I went down to the dungeons with other Slytherins. To the common room and straight to bed. Aa soon as my head touched the pillow, I fell asleep.
I had a terrifying dream that night. I saw that I was the person who Aiden pushed into the vanishing cabinet and from there I was just floating in the darkness. For a long time! Is that how it actually is? I always thought that you would still end up somewhere.
I woke up at 8 a.m. I had a weird habit to write down my dreams. So I took the notebook from my nightstand and wrote it down very detailed. After that I was very tired still.
I mean I had only slept for four hours so I really had to go back to sleep. Luckily I didn't see any more dreams that night. One was terrifying enough.
When I decided to really wake up, it was already 3 p.m. I was happy that I got to sleep for so long and that there was no school today. I pushed myself up from the bed, realizing that I was alone in the dorm. Normally some people wake up even later than this.
I got ready and since there was no school I didn't put on my uniform. I put on my black sweater. Mom's necklace looked good on it. It let it shine.
"Y/n!" Ly rushed into the common room . "Oh you're up," she said when she saw me standing in the middle of the room. "Yeah, why is everyone else up so early?" I asked. If someone knows, it's Ly.
"What do you mean, why are they up? We went to the hike that we had to go to," she frowned at me. "A hike? I didn't know anything about a hike. Did Draco know?" I asked. If they said it when we were in the forest we had an excuse. Actually well not really, since we were skipping, but still.
"I don't know. He wasn't there tho," she said. "But I mean it's a hike," she laughed. "Why didn't you wake me up?" I asked.
"Oh, I thought you didn't have to go, since the thing... the dementor... you know?" She said quietly.
"Well I guess that there is one more thing that I'm in trouble for," I sighed. "I don't think so. Snape didn't look madder than normally," Ly tried to make me feel better.
"Why was Snape on the hike?" I chuckled. "Most of the teachers were. Don't ask, I have no idea," Ly laughed. "Well come on down now,"
We walked into the common room. We were almost the only ones in there. I also couldn't see Draco anywhere. "Are you looking for Draco?" Ly smirked. "Psh no," I said shaking my head.
"Well he hasn't woken up yet I think," she added carelessly.
"Should we wake him up?" I asked. "Do you wanna die today?" Ly looked confused.
"I fear no death!" I said proudly. "Well in that case, go slam some things again," Ly laughed remembering the last time. Well the last time I was chased all around school tho. I almost died for sure.
"Okay, I'm going in," I chuckled going to his door. I opened the door to make sure it was not locked. And closed it again.
"Scared?" Ly asked.
"No, I have a great idea! Do you still have that black wig that you used to play Pansy with?" I asked. "Yes, why?" She didn't catch up.
"Give it to me," I said. She ran into the dorm and brought me the wig. "What are you gonna do with it?" She was still not getting it!
"I'm gonna get Draco to hate me," I chuckled. "Oh!!! Are you gonna play Pansy?" She finally caught up now. "Bingo!"
I opened the door a little so I could easily slip in. "Draaacoooo," I did Pansy's whiney voice. "Draco, good morning baby," I swung the door open.
"Get out Pansy," he took a quick look and turned back around.
"No, I'm bored without you baby," I continued the annoying voice. "I need you with me Draco," I was trying my best not to start laughing.
"Get the fuck out Pansy, I'm sleeping!" Draco got up from the bed.
I quickly turned around and started looking at the things that were on his table so he wouldn't see my face.
"I'm trying to sleep, alright," his voice got angrier and he tried to slightly push me towards the door.
"But I need you Draco," I wrapped my arms around his neck. "Get off Parkinson," he tried to push me off.
"If you say so," I said with a sad whiney voice and let go of him. As I opened the door and knew that Draco was looking at me, I took off the wig.
"Wait what?" Draco asked confused.
"I guess you don't want me here, so I'm gonna leave," I tried to remain the sad tone, but I was struggling.
"Y/n?" He grabbed my wrist.
"No it's Pansy," I pulled my hand out of his, laughed and ran out the door. "Come back here," he caught up to me right away and picked me up from the ground.
"Oh, so you do like Pansy?" I joked.
"Oh, I love this Pansy," he said as he carried me back to his room.
"Well, I think you should be telling her that," I put my hands on my hips as he put me down.
"What is wrong with you?" Draco chuckled.
"What is wrong with you? One time you say that you hate me so much and the other time you are carrying me into your room," I quickly put the wig back on.
"Well, I guess I'm just very moody," he chuckled and pulled me into a hug. "Now lose that wig," he grabbed the wig from my head.
"No! My hair! My beautiful hair," I couldn't let go of the character. I was too good at this.
"Come get it?" He jumped onto the bed and held it far above his head. "Give me my hair back," I jumped on the bed to reach it, but still couldn't.
"It's here. Take it," he lowered it a little. I still couldn't reach it, so as a last resort I pushed him. He fell over onto the bed and I took the wig out of his hand.
"Never mess with my hair," I did a little hairflip with the wig. I walked to the mirror to put it on better.
Draco was just looking at me laughing and shaking his head. "Come here Pansy," he said putting his hand out towards me. "Yes Draco?" I did the puppy eyes and took his hand.
He pulled me onto the bed, crawled on top of me and gently pressed his lips against mine. I didn't push him away either. I just chuckled a little through the kiss.
"Never thought I'd kiss Pansy like that," he chuckled through the kiss.
"Okay drop the Pansy thing. It's getting gross," I laughed and took off the wig. "You started it," he laughed too.
"Well you gotta admit, it was spot on," I smiled. "Not bad," he smirked. "Next time don't sleep so long," I said.
"Oh, if this is what I wake up to, I think I will," he smiled as he moved down from my lips to my neck, placing a gentle kiss.
"Well I have to go talk to Dumbledore," I said, remembering that I had to do that.
"Dumbledore? Didn't we have to do that together?" He looked confused, as he tucked the strand of hair behind my ear and looked down on me with a smile.
"No it's another thing. He just asked to see me," I explained. "Well in that case I think you should really drop the wig," he laughed and so did I.
"Get up," I patted his shoulder as I stood up from the bed. "Oh and I might get expelled so this might be the last time you see me," I said dramatically right before leaving his room.
Well it wasn't impossible that I'd get expelled. But I'd probably see him at least once more. But that's besides the point. I had to be a little dramatic.
"How'd he like that?" Ly asked when I got back to the common room.
"Oh I think he has feelings for Pansy," I said with a sad voice. "I'm gonna go now," I walked out of the common room with my head down.
So uh...role play?

Protective [D.M]
Fanfiction"Y/n, you know I would never hurt you," he took a step forward, but I kept stepping backward. "Yeah I know," I said hesitantly. "Then why are you backing up!?" He raised his voice. "I'm not, I-I just," I couldn't get words out of my mouth. "You fuck...