We walked towards the Herbology classroom that already had a lot of people in it once we arrived. Don't know how they get there so fast.
But it was no surprised that once again two groups had to stand together next to each other. I luckily right away put myself at the end of the row so that I was between Pansy and Theo.
Blaise on the other hand wasn't that lucky. I don't think he wanted to be next to him really too but he also didn't make a huge deal out of it since we were in class.
But as soon as the class started the tension kind of died down a little. We were focused on Herbology. At least I think most were.
But when we gave away the paper with the identified plants that we did yesterday, then I got a pleasant surprise. All of these were right.
Of course it wasn't the hardest task, but still. I don't do too good in other classes so it was very nice to get a good grade. I even got some points. I needed them to make up for the points that we lost recently.
After classes going back to the common room to then go watch the Quidditch practise match between Slytherin and Ravenclaw, I had still not seen Ly and Hay. I was getting a bit worried at this point.
But my worried thoughts were interrupted by Snape opening the classroom door and walking out right in front of us.
As we were trying to pass him, he stopped us. "Could I see you for a second Y/n?" He asked with a monotone voice as usual.
"But there is a practise match between Slytherin and Ravenclaw," this time I had an actually rightful excuse.
"It won't take long. You will make it there in time," he said motioning towards the classroom.
I sighed and walked in. Everyone else went back to the common room to get ready.
"What is it?" I asked right away kind of being in a hurry to get out of there.
"Y/n, I have something of yours," he said walking up to his table passing me. I stood there confused looking at him.
He grabbed something from the table, that I couldn't see what was and walked up to me. His height was even more intimidating when you don't get along with him very well.
I put my hand out, sure that whatever it is could not be bigger than a palm. His big fist hovered over my open hand he opened his fingers.
A little piece of metal landed onto my palm making me look down at it. Wait what?
"How did you get this?" I asked right away looking at the familiar bracelet in my open hand. The one that Estrid had.
"I recognized it around miss Sutton's wrist and thought that maybe you'd like it back," he said.
I didn't say anything to it.
"How did it end up in Estrid's hands?" He asked leaning down a little to be closer to my level. Not quite.
"She took it and wouldn't give it back," I said shortly with a emotionless voice. Guess we know where I got that from.
"Well now you have it," he said giving me the tiniest smile.
But no. I wasn't going to forget everything just because he got me back my bracelet.
First he had been trying to control my life and I had also realised that he is in general a bad person too. He knew about Draco tutoring Estrid the whole time, but never told me.
He wanted me to stay away from him when I didn't. But I guess he won that one. But keeping such a secret from me was the least I expected from him although I really should've known. You can't trust a person who doesn't even care enough to be your dad and be there for you.

Protective [D.M]
Fanfiction"Y/n, you know I would never hurt you," he took a step forward, but I kept stepping backward. "Yeah I know," I said hesitantly. "Then why are you backing up!?" He raised his voice. "I'm not, I-I just," I couldn't get words out of my mouth. "You fuck...