Girls Night In.

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Anna had sunk to the bottom of the tub. "What's up Anna? Something happen in the closet?" Gillian asked. "No. I'm just really tired." Anna mumbled. "Oh really? C'mon, you stayed in there for so long. Something must've happened. " Gillian giggled. So Anna explained.

 "So it looked like he was gonna ask you out, but turned out it was a mistake or something and then he told you he didn't like you in that way." Gilda said. Anna blew bubbles trying to forget about all of the talk. "Lets change the subject! "


The Party at Paula's house blew over soon enough, and soon everyone was going home. But Norman wanted a talk with Ray privately. 

At the back of Paula's house Ray and Norman stood. "I want you to be completely honest with me Ray." Norman said. "Are you dating anyone?" Norman asked. Ray blushed, 'Why is everyone asking me these types of questions?' And then out of nowhere, Don popped up. "Dang, I didn't know you liked Ray. I thought it was Emma." He said. " N-no that's not what I'm trying to do." Norman said. 

"Speaking of that, when are you going to confess?" Ray asked in a deep voice. "Probably when I take her to a trip to New York or something." Norman said. "Oh, maybe I should do that with Gilda." Don whispered. "Two shy boys can't even confess their feelings." Ray laughed a bit. " Well I saw you in a closet with Anna. What were you doing huh? " Norman shot back. Ray flinched and went red. "Going to confess your feelings or something?" Don pressumed. "No." Ray sighed and sank back into his collected self. " Were you guys making out or what? " Norman asked. "It was nothing like that at all." Ray replied. "Then tell us, do you like her? I honestly thought you liked Emma too dude." Don stated. "I, I dunno. I have feelings for her but I'm not ready to share them. What I'm trying to say is that I like books more than anything in the world and so I'll probably marry them when I'm older. " Ray mumbled. "So you do like her." Norman said. "No." Ray murmured. " Which 'her' are we talking about, Emma, books or Anna? " Don asked confused. Ray didn't feel like saying anything.


"Anna you could be an echhi character, you have really been working right?" Gillian said. " I dunno, I guess... " Anna was really shy. "How bout you Gilda?" Gillian asked. "I think I'm okay, I guess. " 

 DING DONG! Emma let her self in, "Hello, Gillian told me to come and said it was urgent." Emma walked over to the living room, where the three girls sat watching Attack on Titan. "LALALALA!" Gillian screamed with the theme song while Anna smiled. " You guys are watching Aot, without me!!" Emma jumped on the chair and started singing with them. Then Gilda glanced at Emma, and Emma winked. Gilda guessed they were all friends again...

And then the girls decided to go home, Anna and Emma exited together as they were neighbours and lived pretty close to the school. "That Attack on Titan episode was intense, right?" Anna asked. "Anna, can I ask you something?" Emma asked out of the blue. " Do you like anyone? " Emma asked. "N-no," Anna whispered. And it was a silent conversation for the rest of the walk.

The next day, Paula got up in her big mansion of a house. She felt really bored, it was a school day, and she really didn't want to go to school. She had moved because she was always moving a d there was no explanation why. Paula packed her hair up, put on a very cute mask and got her school bag. School was just a place filled with random people where you test your ability and knowledge . Paula bet she was smarter then everyone else. She had finally reached school, and there the three boys were.

Hayato, Zack and Oliver, the most annoying boys in the world. "Hey Pauly, take your mask off Paul, come on! Do it." They all taunted. This was the usual routine of the boys since Paula had arrived to this school. They were curious to see what was under that long mask that Paula always wore. " Get away, I warn you, I know kung fu. " Paula said. "Is that supposed to be a threat?" Hayato laughed. " This puny girl is trying to threaten us. Nice try mask pants. " Zack shoved her to the side. Oliver looked at her and walked away with the group. And sooner or later Ayshe came over. "Are you okay? They're are so annoying. Aren't they?" Ayshe said. Paula nodded and looked up at Oliver. "I don't know your motive Oliver, but I'm gonna find out." Paula said under her breathe.

Classes had started and Ray has received his scores on a pop quiz he did an hour ago

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Classes had started and Ray has received his scores on a pop quiz he did an hour ago. "What happened Ray, huh? This is the lowest I've seen." The Teacher pointed at the paper. "I had a lot on my mind lately. " Ray murmured."Excuse me, Sir, I can deal with that." Ms Mujika said. "Ray, please join me to speak with your Mother the counsler." Ms Mujika said. " Why my Mom? " Ray asked. "She said for me to call on her if we had any trouble." Ms Mujika replied. "Ugh..." Ray moaned. 

Next Chapter Study Club:

"Ray since you have to get better grades you could organise a study club! It would be a great opportunity you know?" Emma said at their next school meeting. " I guess so, and with Paula in the student council team we'll have way more stuff done. " Ray said. "The Cinderella cast has been chosen by the way, Anna will be Cinderella, Lanion and Tommi have decided to be mice, Hayato said he likes to fly so he'll be the bird, Gillian and I are the step sisters and Ayshe's the step mother, Norman agreed to be the father of Cinderella and all that's left is the prince. " Gilda announced. "Ray?" Emma asked. " Nope. Not gonna happen. " Ray said. Anna even went red. "We'll find someone, don't worry!!" Phil said putting his thumbs up. 

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