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The school week had finally ended and Emma collapsed on her bed. Although it was the weekends, she still had to do chores, and study and take care of Carol..In her jean shorts and her teal long t-shirt, she lay and just wanted to enjoy a moment of piece and quiet when she started thinking about random things... 'I hope Ray somehow manages to get a hold of that cat...I can't believe it ruined my bag! I mean, it's a good excuse not to go to school. I'm grateful that Norman  gave me his books. Norman...does he really not want to date me that much...he came up with excuses every single  day. But he probably has his reasons... ' She thought and sighed as she closed her eyes. "Hey Emma!" She heard someone's voice say. It sounded like Norman. In fact it was Norman. "N-norman! I didn't expect you to be here." Emma jumped on her bed.  "I'm sorry I came out of the blue, I just thought we should em, sort out the books issue." Norman explained.

Norman knelt across from Emma and they exchanged books. "T-thank you for everything yesterday." Emma smiled as she gave him some books. "No problem at all." Norman put the books in his bag. "So how's it going...are you okay?" Norman asked as no one had said anything for a while. "Yeah I'm's been a while since we have been on our own like this. Alone..." Emma whispered. "And well I thought you were busy. " Emma said. "Oh, my schedule was kinda cleared. And your right we haven't been alone for a while, but I kinda like it when Ray is with us too..." Norman said quietly. Emma looked down at her hands that were placed on her laps. "I m-mean I like it when your here with me too, but not alone, wait I mean yes alone, well being alone together is weird...but I d-don't want to make it awkward- I mean it kinda already is, but I'm erm, sorry for that!" Norman started saying random things. "Its fine. Would you like anything?" Emma stood up to get something. " Not at the moment, but thank you... " he replied. After a while of silence Norman finally said something. "Wait you want to be alone...with me...?" Norman asked quietly. They both looked at each other before Emma went really red. "N-not in a bad way of course! I mean..." Norman reassured her. "I would like to see the world with you Norman. But with Ray too." Emma smiled. "I wish it was me alone..." Norman said out of earshot. "What was that?" Emma asked. "Nothing! If it isn't such a bother, could you get me some water please?" Norman asked. "Sure thing!" Emma walked to the kitchen.

As Emma was in the kitchen she splashed the water in her face. "Alone...AAHH! Emma stop thinking weird thoughts!" Emma said rubbing her head. She walked upstairs and sat beside Norman. "Is everything alright?" Norman asked. "Yup." Emma put her thumbs up.


"Emma, I've been meaning to talk about the girl I like." Norman said slowly. "Really...?" Emma asked. "Yes, and well..." Norman started. Then he grinned. "It's  YOU." Norman smiled. "R-really?" Emma went really red. "I feel the same..." Emma said slowly, but then Norman burst out laughing. "I was just kidding  EMMA. Who could ever like you? I mean, who would be interested in you. You look horrible in that outfit and your hair always looks like some  piece of garbage  that a cat barfed. " Norman laughed. And Emma started to cry. As she looked at Norman, Norman didn't look like Norman. He looked like a horrible person. He reminded her of a boy named Lewis. "Emma I'm not your friend. We can never be more than anything. Your nothing to me. I don't like you, I like someone else."


"Emma, are you okay? You fell asleep!" Norman put his hand on her shoulder. Emma had fallen asleep and Norman had caught her before she fell. "It must have been from the cat attacks. The cat really did a number on you..." Norman looked at the scratches on her leg. "I-i'm sorry!" Emma flinched off of his lap. "Your face is red Emma, are you okay? Did you have a bad dream?" Norman asked. Emma looked at him... "N-norman..." Emma hugged Norman. Really tight. "What's wrong Emma?" Norman asked, a bit startled. "Please promise me that we'll be friends forever."  Emma squeezed him. "Is that all you want us to be?" Norman asked. Emma didn't reply but Norman hugged her back. "Okay Emma..." Norman slowly smiled.  "I promise that we'll be together for ever. We will be friends forever..." Norman said.

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