Swimming Programme.

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"As a break from all this hard work the school has been doing, we'll be participating in a swimming programme today like I mentioned last week. Has everyone submitted their forms for the swimming programme?" The Teacher asked. Norman was worried that Emma had forgotten to come to school today and even bring her form but Emma burst into the room with her form in hand. "Sorry I'm late!" Emma rubbed her eyes as she seemed very tired and energy drained. Emma slammed her page on the desk. "Thanks for the overwhelming entrance once again Emma. Take your seat." The Teacher ordered. Emma rubbed her eyes. " When we get to the swimming pool the boys will go to there own designated place and the girls will have theirs too. Its a very deep pool, probably triple the size of Ray since he is the tallest in class. You will also be joined by juniors too. Does everyone know how to swim? " The Teacher asked. Emma was too busy sleeping to answer. "And does anyone know how to present CPR?" The Teacher asked again. Norman was the only one to put his hand up.

When Norman was little he used to live near the beach and so he knew how to do CPR. In fact his Mother and Father met when his Father almost drowned and his Mother saved his Father by CPR. So while he was growing up, he knew it was going to be a very helpful skill in life.

So the class took a bus to the swimming pool early enough and once they had entered everyone was having fun paddling in the water. Except for Emma...
As Emma was trying to swim she felt her self drown. How did she not know how to swim? She was good at volleyball, football and baseball even tennis and athletics...But not swimming. The other girls (Paula, Ayshe, Anna and Gillian) had formed this kinda excluding clique so she couldn't ask for help and Gilda didn't come.
On the otherhand, Ayshe's swimming suits straps had broken. Which meant her swimming suit was just floating in the water and she was there without one...
Naked in the pool...

"Paula..." Ayshe whispered. "Could you get me a towel?" Stage asked. " Why-? Oh no... " Paula spotted the swimming suit floating in the water. "Quickly..." Ayshe whispered. Good thing it was just the girls. Soon Paula came back with a towel. " Thanks! " Ayshe stepped out of the pool and rapped the towel around her quickly.

The crisis was averted. But since everyone else was focusing on Ayshe's well-being and swimming suit, they didn't notice Emma drowning. In fact, everyone had left and forgot about Emma.

Emma POV:
I can't breathe.
I know no one will come for me.
Because no one cares for me.
Although I try to cover it up, inside I'm lonely.
I include others because I don't want them feel left out too.
I wish I had someone for me to like.
And they would like me back...
I thought Ray and Norman were my friends, but really they're just my friends because we live close to each other...
Am I just living a fake life?
A life where I thought I was happy and loved.
A life where I thought I accomplished so very much.
Like I was the queen of the world...
Why am I already giving up?
Why am I already tired...?

Emma closed her eyes and let go off everything...
"There's no point anymore..." She whispered and closed her eyes. Her hand that was once reaching for air was about to drop. But then someone grabbed her hand and pulled her out. "EMMA!" Norman shouted and clutched her. "Wake up Emma! Please, you have too! I haven't got to confess yet... I love you! " Norman shouted. But there was no point in waiting. Nothing was going to happen if he just sat there and cried. There was only one option! Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation -CPR!


Gilda had chosen not to go to the Swimming Programme because she didn't feel like it. She wasn't feeling like doing anything lately. But she couldn't do much either because her leg was definitely not getting better. Which had made her stay at home.

While the class was on break Don went to check on her since Gilda's house was near school. "Hey Gilda it's Don." He knocked on her door. Gilda's Mother opened the door. "Oh hey Don! Nice of you to check on Gilda. Say are you guys dating or what? My kid isn't telling me anything." She said. "No. That's probably never gonna happen, I'm just a helpful person bringing around board games and stuff. I'll be on my way in a minute." Don said while walking up the stairs.

Don entered Gilda's room. "I haven't been in here in ages..." Don whispered. Gilda lay on her bed lying on the other side. "Uhm, hello Gilda long time no see..." Don said uncassually. "I get that you don't want to talk to me for some reason, but please here me out." Don mumbled. "I have some bored games you can play with your Mom! She seems really bored and says you don't talk to her, so I thought it would be helpful and-" Don started. " Drop it at the door and leave please. " Gilda said under her breathe. "What did you say?" Don asked. "I said leave!" Gilda shouted. 'Why's she like this? What did I do?' Don asked himself. "I want to move on, I told you!" Gilda whispered shouted.

Norman leaned in to give Emma mouth to mouth...

Norman POV
I'm gonna save you Emma.
Then I'll confess and I'll have someone to love!
And you will have me and never feel lonely...
Because I love you Emma...

Norman felt his lips touch Emma's until Ray came and asked Norman what he was doing. "Call an ambulance!" Ray shouted. Ray pushed aside Norman and started pounding on her chest. "Norman you know how this  thing works! Do it!" Ray panicked. Norman started the process of CPR on her chest while Ray called the ambulance. 

Once they arrived the commotion dispersed, and Ray looked at Norman. "You were going to give Emma mouth to mouth weren't you?" Ray asked. "W-what? Who said anything about that?" Norman flinched. "Yeah right. I totally believe you." Ray replied on the drive in the ambulance. "She was giving up...I could tell..." Norman said. "Giving up on what?" Ray asked. "On everything... all the thing we had worked on...life basically." Norman touched her cheek. "We all know Emma's not one to give up... " Ray said. "Then you don't know her very well..." Norman whispered. "I'm the oldest and I've known her longer than you." Ray said. " You weren't even in this town you were at the beach for most of your life so how should you know? " Ray asked. "Okay, I admit you've known her longer but I know her better." Norman said. They argued for a while until. "Ray? Norman?" Emma whispered on her sick bed.

"Are any of you her boyfriend? She'll really need the support of her family after this incident." The nurse arrived after moving Emma on the sick bed away. Both of them flinched. "N-no!!" Norman shook his head. But then Ray said something strange. "I am." He lifted up his hand. "I'll take her home. " Ray said. "Wait but your not-" Norman started. "I asked Emma if she wanted to be in a relationship yesterday. She said yes." Ray said. " When did that happen?! " Norman shouted.

But Ray was lying all those stuff never happened, he was up to something. "I thought you liked Anna!" Norman stated. "Well then you don't know me very well." Ray said and he walked out of the ambulance.

What is Ray doing?

Next Chapter

"So you guys are actually dating..." Norman said but he was about to burst into tears. " I'm happy for you... " Norman smiled, running away a tear. "No that's not what's happening here-!" Emma said. But then Ray leaned in and...

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