Valentine's day

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Norman lay down on his bed. "I haven't had much head aches." He said rubbing his for head. He started to scroll down social media. Emma apparently had posted a picture of Ray, her and Ray's cat. "I should have accepted her offer." He closed his eyes. The day when they were both taking out rubbish, Emma started a new topic. "Norman, you know New Year's Day...?" She had asked. "Y-yes, what about it?" Norman scratched his head. "Well..." Emma started. She actually didn't know what to say. "I think we should meet up and em, talk about it..." she said in a very small voice. Norman understood that she didn't want to talk about it beside rubbish bins but what did she mean?"L-like, we can meet up this weekend and study for the upcoming Exams like normal or just hang out!" Emma suggested. "Oh, don't worry, we can discuss it some time, but... I can't make it this weekend. I've got chores." Norman tried to avoid her eyes. "Mmm, maybe next week then?" Emma asked. "Sorry I'm busy then too..." Norman mumbled. "And the next?" Emma asked. "Yeah..." Norman murmured. "Wow! You plan ahead!" That's what Norman expected Emma to say. But instead she said in a small voice, " So you don't want to hang out...? " Her eyes looked darker and her Orange curly hair was still in the wind. "No! Of course I would but, eh well...I just have stuff to do, but don't worry Emma we'll find a suitable time." Norman held her hand after emptying his rubbish bag. Then Emma slipped her hand off of Norman's. "See you later." Emma said under her breath as she slowly walked off. "O-okay! Have a nice day." Norman started waving.

"And I forgot to ask her to be my Valentine, dammit. I don't think I would have done it even if I remembered; Ray's right I am a coward." Norman whispered as he turned to the side of his bed. "But why did she seem so dissapointed that I declined her invite...? Maybe it's because I accidentally kissed her without her consent and now she wants to confront me but doesn't know how...I shouldn't have kissed her that day! I mean I did it twice but the first time was for the act and the second time was a pure mistake or somethin-" Norman started spitting his thoughts right out. "Norman! Have you taken your medication? And come downstairs it's Valentine's day so Grandmother made heart shaped pancakes!" His mother ordered. "Coming Mother!" Norman shouted as he got off of bed.


Since it was Valentine's day, love flew like a scent of hot cross buns from the nearest bakery. Most couples would walk to school and only some would go on their own. Emma on the other hand was late. As normal. When she got to school she was out of breath. The Teacher was in class this time, and marked her late for the third time this week. Emma collapsed in her seat, and you could see marks and scratches with plasters all over her. "Emma you okay?" Ms Mujika asked. "Yup." Emma put her thumbs up. "I just got in a fight with Ray's cat, apparently it came to my house and it chased me all around the town. I kinda liked it though, it was like a warm up for school." Emma said, while her eyes fought to stay awake. "Emma make sure to be early tomorrow or your going to miss important classes." Ms Mujika warned her. But in response Emma just snored as she had fallen asleep.

Emma wasn't kidding when it came to her house and chased her around the town, in fact it had followed her to school. It caused such a ruckus around the school that it became somewhat of entertainment. Who was going to catch the cat? The Teacher, the student, the couple? Ray had tried to catch it himself, but it seemed like it wanted to be on it's own. It had a habit of ruining things as well. Especially when Emma was involved. For example, Emma was walking down the hall minding her business, when the cat pounced on her back pack, and ripped it open - Emma wasn't too mad about that because she needed a new one since her back pack looked like the one Dora the explorer used to wear just a lot more messier and old with a bag of cheetos molded at the bottom and she wasn't bothered to remove it - but after the cat poured out all her books and assignments and scratched half of them and to finish it off she pooped on the mess. "Hey! Get off of my bag!" She tried to take off her back pack and then it would move the cat off too, but it didn't work. The cat easily lost interest until she found a letter shaped as a heart. It looked like one of her treats to eat. But once she found out it wasn't edible, she decided to go back to Ray and give her the letter. "THAT CAT IS A SAVAGE. I want one just like that." One random student pointed at Emma's bag.

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