The Arcade.

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The Arcade, the place that love smells so prominent. Not really. It smells like young kids who spend all their time and money on one level they're never gonna beat. Emma and Carol had both downed their time on the game called: 'Death run' and it wasn't particularly hard but Carol just wanted to win. On the other side of the arcade were the boys trying to prepare Oliver. And at the entrance, the girls decided to enter because Gillian wanted a plushy from the claw machine. And on the other side of the shopping mall that held the arcade, was Anna and Ray, who decided to go because Anna was feeling better and the doctor had let her off.

"So what game do you want to play first?" Ray asked. "You pick." Anna insisted. "I don't really play games so I don't really know." Ray replied. "Hmm, then...I challenge you! To win the big bear with all the tickets you gather. That will be fun!" Anna's tiny bit excited voice echoed in the big shopping mall. "Emma was mostly good at arcade games...she made the highest scores, but I'm sure we can beat her." Ray stated, and then he grabbed Anna's hand. "I've a question...were Emma and you ever dating? Or were you dating Ayshe, or?" Anna asked looking at the ground. "I've never dated anyone." Ray shrugged. Anna looked up and when Ray looked back, her eyes darted away. "Look! There's Emma at the arcade." She pointed and her hand slipped off of Ray's. "Careful!" Ray ran after her as she almost tripped. "You guys are here too." Emma smiled but as she looked away, she lost the match which made Carol win and rejoice. "I won! I won!" She jumped and smiled. "Hi Carol!" Ray waved. Carol stared at Ray for a few seconds and then screamed. "Ray your scaring her with your one eyed ways." Anna giggled. "Anna what happened to your arm? And foot?" Emma observed the scars and bandages she had. Ray expected her to tell Emma the whole story but Anna just smiled and said: "Oh, I got in a fight with a dog." . "A dog? I've never thought of you as a dog wrestler." Emma asked. "Oh it was a one time thing." Anna grinned. 'Anna's just like Norman I guess, they both know how to be so calm at times and other times they just want to burst out with thoughts, they can easily hold in their emotions and pains.' Ray thought. "So why are you here Ray? I never thought of you as the gaming type." Emma asked restarting the game with Carol and taking her eyes off the screen every two seconds. "Anna and I are going on a date." He replied, and then Anna went red. "Oh, young love! How pure it be! I kinda suspected it from the start honestly. I hope to find my dream guy." Emma pranced around. "You mean Norman?" Ray asked. "N-no, what you talking about?" Emma laughed nervously. "When did you guys start dating?... Hold on..." Emma didn't wait for a response and placed Ray's hand on Anna's. And the both of them blushed. "W-well I- we haven't really started... " Ray looked away. "Oh no, I'm gonna loose if Carol gets this shot." Emma looked back at the screen. "See you guys later. Oh yeah say hi to Norman, I already did, he is somewhere around the arcade. " Emma said. "Okay thanks for the heads up." Anna waved.

"Okay Oliver, you can do this. You failed miserably in the cat cafe. But we believe in you." Hayato coached Oliver. "So what are you gonna do?" The boys ask. "Ask Paula a question." Oliver answered. "And what is that question?" Hayato shouted. "If she is dating anyone." Oliver said in a tiny voice. "You can do this champ! Now, call her!" Hayato massaged Oliver's shoulders, while Zack some fresh mints in his mouth and Norman tied his show lace. When he did call her, he could hear her phone vibrating from the other side of the arcade and even her voice was heard clearly. "Who's calling you?" Violet asked as she watched the claw from the machine fall down. "Almost got it." Gillian was focused and kept her eyes on the plushies. "It's Oliver. I wonder why he's calling me when we saw each other a half an hour ago." Paula asked. "You should invite him to see it." Ayshe suggested. "I don't think he'd be interested." Paula replied. "But isn't it a boyfriends job to be supportive?" Gilda asked. Oliver turned off the call. "She's in the same room as us." Oliver slapped his head. "And what's it?" Don asked. "If she's right beside us and we can hear her, that also means she can hear you too." Norman realised. "Mission abort! Move stations."  Hayato and the others disappeared, but Oliver was too slow. "Oliver your here too." Paula came around from another set of games. "Y-yeah!" Oliver went red faced  as Paula hugged him. "What's wrong?" Paula asked when she noticed he didn't hug her back. "Nothing." Oliver looked at her and smiled. But then he looked back at the ground. 'Why  do I feel so scared? I was the one who started the relationship, I should be able to talk about it and to have my opinion.' Oliver thought. Then he sighed. "Hey Paula-" He started. "I've been wanting to ask for a while, if you wanted to watch me in the boxing ring. I'm going against this guy Adam, and he's a real softy so I had to visit him to make him have confidence even though I'm going to knock him out, so yeah. Do you want to watch me?" Paula asked holding a flier with a big sign saying: Boxing Match. "Adam...Of course, that be awesome, I never knew you liked to box." Oliver smiled looking at the flier. "Kiss, Kiss, Kiss, KISS, KISS, KISS, KISS!" At first it was just Hayato but then everyone chanted. Oliver looked away and blushed and Paula covered her face with her mask. "I need to be getting home, but I'll call you later!" He waved.

"Wait! Before you go Oliver..." Violet shouted. "I've thought about it for a while, and...since you were so open about your relationship, I just wanted to say, I'm dating Zack." Violet held up Zack's hand. "Meh, I kinda already knew if I'm being honest." Hayato whispered. "REALLY?!" The girls asked. "It seems like everyone's getting with who they like." Gilda said quietly, then she looked at Don. "Yeah, look there's Ray and Anna too." Don pointed. "ANOTHER COUPLE?!" Gillian exclaimed. "No we're not dating yet." Ray shook his hands. "Your holding hands and Ray said yet, that's a bit sus if you ask me..." Gillian and Hayato pointed at. Ray expected Anna to let go of his hand, but this time she just held onto his hand tighter. Ayshe a looked at them, and then she smiled. "Everyone's here...aren't they?" Norman thought about how he had met all of his friends at the arcade. "Where's Emma though?" Ray looked around. For a moment it was quiet."See I let you win again!" Emma shouted. And soon everyone gathered around her and watched.

"Emma's actually good at this!" Ayshe clapped her hands. "Carol is probably going to loose..." Ray whispered. "Step aside Carol, I'm the best at this." Hayato declared and picked up Carol as he took her place in the game. "Take that!" Hayato moved his stick. "I'm still ahead of you by 500 points so your not going to catch up unless I miss a point or loose." Emma looked at the screen she couldn't take her eyes off of it. "You can do it Emma!" Norman cheered. He watched Emma. 'She's pretty good at the game. Just like Volleyball.' Those were his last thoughts before he felt dizzy. "Norman are you okay?" Gilda asked. "I'm fine." He rubbed his head.

"This is the last level!"

"Yes I won!" Emma exclaimed as she stood up.


Emma looked behind her, and Norman was lying on the ground. "NORMAN!" She shouted trying to pick him up. There was a lot of commotion in the last seconds. Emma tried to rush Norman to the hospital with Ray, while they tried to figure out things while everyone else started to come home. "He's fainted before, but look at him! What's wrong with him?" Emma looked very worried in the car. "Don't worry, he's still alive and well as far as I know." Ray assured her as he kept his eyes on the road. Norman sat beside Emma. "Norman please don't die." Emma looked at him. "How about Caroline is she getting picked up?" Ray asked. "Paula is dropping her home." Emma answered. But even though Ray tried to change the topic of Norman and his current state, Emma couldn't help and think of the worst.

What if Norman doesn't wake up?

What if he dies...

What if he does wake up but he doesn't remember me, or I never get to confess because he won't know who I am...?

What if he doesn't get better?

Norman is always hiding things why doesn't he tell us?

Why didn't he tell me he was sick?

Emma reached out for his hand and held it. "It's okay Norman." She whispered.

"Norman has had this condition for a while, and with some immediate care and support, he will be okay. I've known Norman from our summer camp days, he's a very bright boy. So don't worry." Doctor pushed in his glasses and spoke to Ray and Emma with Norman's parents in his office. "So Norman didn't tell you?" Norman's Mother put her hand on Emma's shoulder. Emma shook her head. "He probably didn't want to worry you. Norman doesn't say much about how he is feeling most of the time, he kind of just sucks it up and smiles." Norman's Mother explained. "I fear if he doesn't have treatment of will get worse, so he will be staying in the Hospital for now. Probably for another few months just to check how he can do, dependent and independent. " Doctor Vincent read out the plan. "So he'll miss graduation?" Emma asked. "Unfortunately it looks like it for now. There's no guarantee Norman will be back in school." Doctor Vincent replied. "Thank you Doctor Vincent, we'll be taking our leave now." Ray patted Emma  on the shoulder. "Oh yeah, Ray, how's Anna doing?" Doctor Vincent asked. "She's fine..." Ray answered as they left the office.

"Do you need a ride home Emma?" Ray asked. "No it's a Sunday so buses will probably have just amount of space for me in the bus." Emma replied. "Thank you though." She added. Ray soon drive off in his car and Emma stood at the entrance of the Hospital. She felt the beats of her heart increase extremely. "Norman please wakeup." Emma whispered.

Once those words were uttered, Norman's eyes opened.

Next Chapter:
After Class.

This is the book finale so why would I give you a sneak peek?

We have come so far! 💞 Thank you for everything guys!!✨

-So much love from Puppy Cweem.

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