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Ray came running into Anna's garden. And oddly, for once, it started snowing. Ray knocked on her door, or at least the door he could remember was hers and then he sneezed. At first no one answered, but then Anna peeped out. "Hi." Ray said as his breath was so cold. "You can come in if your cold." Anna replied. "N-no, it's fine. I know Emma wouldn't want us to catch a cold because we have student council work but it's fi-" Ray started. "I'VE HAD IT WITH YOU AN EMMA! YOU CAN GO AND BRAG ABOUT IT SOMEONE ELSE! I get that you guys are in a relationship but you don't have to come to my house and talk about it!" Anna shouted and then she slammed the door. She had heard enough. She had never been this angry. 'Why is he always coming to me? If he's dating Emma then he should just leave me alone. I have better things to focus on.' Anna thought, feeling frustrated. "But t-that's not what I wanted to do." Ray said, but it was too late. Anna collapsed against the side of the door, and felt her face really hot. "It's snowing..." Ray whispered. "Hmm..." Ray whispered again

Ray could remember when him and Anna were younger they used to dance in the snow. And make snow angels. "I love the snow!" Anna would twirl, and sing random songs. Ray on the other hand would sit there and read a book in the snow. "C'mon play with me!" Anna grabbed his hand and they would prance around in the  snow but it was really just Ray being dragged. And sometimes they would make snowmen.

Possibly about 4 years later, there was one time both Anna and Ray played in the snow for the last time. Ray can't remember why they stopped playing, but he knew it was his fault somehow.

The next day...

Phil got up, he felt overwhelmed. "What was it that Sherry day to me yesterday?" He asked. Phil scratched his head. He couldn't remember. Oh wait now he could. "Just because you have a cute face doesn't mean Emma likes you!" Sherry was angry that day for some reason. "What do you mean?" Phil and Sherry were playing in the new swing. "Didn't you see those photos? Emma likes Norman, and Norman likes her there's no point.." Sherry whispered.

Sherry seemed angry that day. What could be wrong...?

Well it was a school day after all, the last school day of the week, a Friday. Emma put on her skirt and jumper and then looked at her notepad. She had a list of goals for the student council written there, but the main one was Prom. They only had one more week before the Term was over and she wanted her classmates spend that last week with a dance, a slowdance with a partner. She felt a bit bad that she didn't attend the last meeting. But...Emma knew there was still some much awkwardness between everyone so she didn't really want to bring the topic.

She still had a half an hour until school started so she decided to look for her books in her locker. As well as analysing the people around her.

Apparently Paula was walking in with Gillian and in front was Oliver and Zack. " did it go?" Gillian asked. "What?" Paula asked. "You know what." Gillian stared into Paula's eyes. "THE DATE." Gillian said. "Oh, it was I guess..." Paula blushed while she looked at the back of Oliver. "Man you missed out! Norman got such a selection of Cheetos that I think we didn't even finish it all, and we watched a heck of a horror movie, think of Five Night Freddy but merged with Call of Duty. Epic!" Zack explained what they did yesterday while Oliver had his date. "I think I had a way better time than junking around." Oliver replied. "I bet you did, holding Paula's hand and kissing her." Zack assumed, Oliver went red. "How do you know? I only held her hand." Oliver replied. "Or did you? You guys kissed and you know it. Hayato and I saw..." Zack said. "N-no we didn't! Did we?" Oliver was starting to forget. "Ask her." Zack said, pushing Oliver towards Paula. "Uhh, h-hey Paula..." Oliver nervously laughed. Gillian faked that she was having a phone call and Zack ran away. "I erm, ehh... your mask looks cute...-" Oliver forgot what to say. Then someone put their hands on his shoulder. "Oliver thanks you for going on a date with him. Now he says goodbye." It was Ray and he pushed Oliver out of the way. "Thanks buddy." Oliver whispered as he ran off in a hurry. And Ray hurried off with him.

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