Red Spider Lilies.

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The sun was shining and many were just awaking from their beauty slumber. Many such as Nat. Nat was an underrated character and he knew it. "I get my nose in perfect shape and in the end I only get some, 'Your the same as always Nat!' from Anna. I know that was like two months ago but I'm still traumatised like." Nat was sitting down at his desk with a cup of lemon tea. Then he noticed it. "Wait is that a..." Nat looked into the mirror opposite to him, in his vast but hazy reflection he could see a pimple. "A PIMPLE!?" He exclaimed. "But I'm only 14 surely puberty should be long gone right...right?!" He asked himself. "This calls for an emergency!" Nat exclaimed rushing out of his room.


As the heat began to multiply, people began to get hotter and hotter. "Gilda I'm so hot! Can we just hold a beach party at school or something." Don couldn't bare the heat. It felt like every step he took he was melting. "No of course! Besides why are you asking me?" Gilda was fanning her self with her hands. "Your in the student council!" Don said then he bumped into someone. That person was tall and had someone short beside him. "Zack! Your on your way to school too!" Don patted him on the shoulder. "Why wouldn't I be?" Zack asked. "Dunno, we haven't all been in the same place as a big group since our last activity." Don replied. "Well anyway, I think there's Paula over there too with Oliver of course." Violet pointed. "I didn't even notice you were there too!" Gilda pointed at Violet as if she had emerged from the shadows. "Ollie, Paulie! Come over!" Zack shouted. So Oliver and Paula crossed the street. "Whassup?" Oliver asked. "Nothing, we just wanted you to come over. We're trying to gather everyone around." Don explained. "If you are, then there's Emma, Norman and Ray!" Paula pointed while adjusting her mask. And soon every single one of the friend group was there. Emma, Norman, Ray, Don, Gilda, Gillian, Violet, Paula, Oliver, Zack, Anna, Ayshe and the only person who didn't show up was Hayato. "Its been a while I've seen him." Ray stated. "Same. But it's nice to be with you all once again." Norman smiled and waved his hand. "We should be getting to school you know." Violet was the shortest and couldn't see anything. "True. Have you seen the time? I'm going to be late for Volleyball!" Emma started jogging off and left the group just walking to school. "Tomorrow is Valentine's Day, we should not be in school that's all I'm saying." Oliver said out of nowhere. "I don't even understand how it's Spring in this blazing heat." Gillian complained. "Its already Spring! These months flew by." Zack slapped his fore head. "Mhm, soon we'll be almost finished Senior Year and graduation will be here already!" Gilda exclaimed. "Graduation...lucky you guys." Anna said quietly. "Oh yeah Anna is the youngest." Ayshe glanced to the side. "Aww, she's the smallest and yet Violet is even shorter than her." Oliver laughed. "Hey she's not that small." Zack said and patted her head. Then Violet removed his hand.  "Guys, it's like time for school." Gilda tapped her watch. "I'll meet you guys there." Paula said as she started dragging Oliver forward to school. "Zack we need to talk." Violet grabbed his hand after everyone left.

"Your making it obvious." Violet whispered. "Obvious?" Zack asked. "That were dating you big dummy." Violet punched him in the gut. "Well I don't think you should call me a dummy if we're dating." Zack said. "Okay okay, but distance your self a bit." Violet said. "What do you mean?" Zack asked. "First, replace your bandage on properly, Second, stand up straight, Third, listen clearly." Violet commanded. "Yes Madam." Zack saluted her. "I didn't mean for you to- it's okay. Just shut up about it okay? I said date in secret, okay? " Violet slapped her fore head.  "We can meet up after school. But see you later." Zack smiled.

After Violet had confessed, a while later at New Year's Celebration, Zack had replied to her confession. As Violet was serving Zack met up with her when he was buying a hot dog. The conversation had turned into them making out in the back of the hot dog stand, until a customer started to complain that no one was there to serve. "L-let's keep it a real secret this time okay. We're not gonna tell anyone were dating okay?" Violet whispered. "Okay. I pinkie promise." They interlocked their pinkies and  promised.

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