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While Minnie was having a sleep, which her parents forced her to do which she groaned about. Ariana and Dalton cuddles their grandchild on the sofa. The door went and Dalton went to get it.

"Hi Sarah" He smiles lightly letting her come in. "is Minnie home?" "yeah she is having a nap right now"

"can I have a cuddle?" "of course" Ariana smiles handing her over. "I can't get in touch with Jake I am sorry. I can't believe he has done this." she sighs.

"Mommy" Minnie cries "was i this bad?" Ariana asks Dalton. "Worse" he rolls his eyes letting her go see to her.

"What's up?" "Is he here?" "no just his mom"

"thought you were having a sleep" "i want to cuddle my girl instead" she beams climbing off the bed. "got a name yet?" "no its so hard. I want it to be perfect" she smiles walking down the stairs.

"Hi sweetie" Sarah smiles lightly. "Hi" Minnie pouts cuddling into her dad. "want your little one" she asks making Minnie nod with a huge smile on her face.

"mommy" Millie smiles "your home" Ariana smiles hugging her two babies. "Frankie said you smell bad so he not want to see you" Leo giggles "I did not say that" Frankie rolls his eyes. "I said Dalton smells" He added.

"hey don't be mean to daddy!" Millie glared at him. "So i can be mean to mommy?"

"yeah your brother and sister you fight all the time" "not so much anymore"

"Hi Frankie" Minnie smiles "okay mine" He took her baby girl. "when do I not get my baby stole off me" Minnie asks them all. "when she poops on them" Dalton smiles rubbing her arm. "she not pooped yet" "thats okay"

"How are you coping" Dalton wraps his arms around Ariana's waist "I am good baby." she smiles turning around in his arms. "I never expected to have a screaming baby in my house till a lot later on but stuff happens right" She giggles "Yeah it does but hey. Least it is not technically our responsibility" he smiles "we have to help her babe."

"urm why can't I put a sleep suit on her" Minnie looked at her parents. "put it on her legs fasten it up then do her arms" Ariana smiles at her "okay" she nodded.

"want me to come" Ariana asks "No it's okay"

"i know that babe but she looks like she wants to figure it out for her self"

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