The One With the Late Valentine's Day Present

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"Hey, hey, is Tony here?" Steve rushed into the bar they all hang out at together.

"No." Was the collective response he got from them.

"Okay, look, I need your help." Steve turned to mainly the girls for help. "I don't know what to get him for Valentine's Day." He sighed as he took off his coat and put it on the back of the chair he was going to sit on.

"Well, Valentine's Day was two weeks ago so I wouldn't get him a calendar." Nat scoffed as she gave the blonde a look while the Witch nodded along in agreement.

Steve gave her a mock laugh then rushed to sit down to explain everything. "He was working on Valentine's Day we're celebrating it tonight." He sighed as he sat down.

"Oh, oh! Hey." Bucky nudged the blondes arm. "Why don't you book a day for both of you at one of those romantic spas?" He wiggled his fingers to somehow help him remember the idea was getting.

"Oh, Bucky, that's actually a really good idea." Wanda gaped as she didn't expect that to come out of the playboys mouth.

"Yeah, and of course, crotchless panties." Bucky nudged the blondes arm which made the girls groan while the Captain gave his best friend a look at that.

"Well, as appealing as that does sound to his boyfriend," Steve started off as he somewhat turned to face the brunette, "and his 'brother'." He turned to face the Colonel who was giving the Sergeant a look which made said man swallow thickly at sudden realization that the man was also there because he genuinely forgot about him. "I can't do that. We promised we'd make each other gifts this year." He emphasized then flopped somewhat in his seat in the booth they all normally sat in as he faced the others and not the brunette.

"Oh, I love that." Nat hummed.

"You guys!" Wanda squealed.

"You can't make crotchless panties?" Bucky gave the blonde a look as he was facing the back of his head. "You take..." He sighed at the blonde's obliviousness. They all turned to him while the Colonel was genuinely thinking of killing the Sergeant for this and the Captain was giving his best friend a look for this conversation as he most definitely regretted asking him for help. "You take a pair of scissors and just start cut-" Bucky carried on as he even started to demonstrate with the air as he was pretending to cut something for help.

"Okay, okay, okay, okay!" Nat cut the soldier off immediately as she realized he probably wasn't going to stop any time soon. "So, making things, that sounds like so much fun." She went back to the original topic at hand as she turned to the blonde.

"Yeah, I thought so too until I papier-mâchéd one of my eyes shut." Steve grumbled as he gave the others a look.

"I love papier-mâché!" Wanda exclaimed. "What did you make?" She looked at him expectantly.

"I made a flar-lar-lar," Steve jumbled up, "I just..." He shrugged with a sigh.

"What is that?" Wanda was curious.

"Nothing!" Steve exclaimed at her as he was very annoyed with their agreement to make the gifts.

"Oh." Wanda shrugged as she sat back in her seat with a hum.

"So, what are you gonna do?" Rhodey got back to the topic.

"Well, have you guys made anything that maybe I could take credit for?" Steve looked at them curiously and expectantly.

"Ooh!, I have, I have! Um..." Wanda turned to the side as she started to get something out of her purse, "I've started making these little sock bunnies! Oh, for cryin' out loud. Look!" She smiled excitedly as she put it on then showed the others about her little creation.

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