"Jealous of yourself?"

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The Avengers were at a party together as it was hosted for them while the billionaire was dancing with everyone, well, everyone except for the blonde.

"Alright Cappy, the night's almost gone and I still haven't danced with you yet so come here." Tony grabbed his wrist just to pull him along to the dance floor then start dancing with the man.

"Do you like to dance?" Steve eyed him as they were swaying lightly to the soft music playing while he held the man close and also begged certain parts of his body to not get too excited from the close proximity of him and the brunette.

"Yeah, I could dance all night." Tony hummed as he moved closer to the blonde.

Steve nodded along in understanding because he too loves to dance then music from his time started to play and he started to swing dance with the man.

"Where did you learn all these moves?" Tony smirked at him as they were dancing together.

"The 40s, where else?" Steve smirked back with a laugh.

"I'm sure you got all the people wanting to dance with you." Tony chuckled as he was pulled back into the blondes arms once they stopped playing the old-fashioned music but now modern slow music.

Steve laughed from his comment as he shook his head softly, "nah, nobody wants to dance with a kid they could easily step on." He chuckled.

"You know that I knew what you looked like before the serum, right?" Tony looked at him curiously as the blonde furrowed his brows from that comment. "I would've danced with you." He hummed.

Steve gaped at him as he never would've suspected the billionaire to have said that.

"You what?" Steve breathed out in disbelief.

"I would've danced with you. I love dancing and if you love to dance so much, I would've been your dance partner." Tony shrugged. "I don't care who I'm dancing with, just as long as they don't step on my feet, then I'll dance with them." He hummed. "I would've done so. And I even would've let you lead if you really wanted to." He ensured as the blonde snorted then scoffed. "Sure you would've been much smaller and stuff but still, if you wanted, you could've led." He shrugged. "Wait, how tall were you then?" He looked at him curiously.

"I was the same height as I am now but my body weight didn't match." Steve explained with a careless shrug.

"I liked scrawny you Cappy. You seemed more... you." Tony gave him a soft smile with a little hum.

Steve scoffed as he waved him off, "no, I like how I am now."

"The scrawny kid in you is trembling." Tony lightly teased with a smirk as the blonde laughed. "I heard stories about you, courtesy of your best friend" He informed while the blonde audibly groaned as his best friend most definitely embarrassed him. "I like that Steve Rogers. He seemed more Brooklyn and 40s." He hummed.

"Brooklyn, eh?" Steve smirked in a teasin way but gaped when he saw the infamous playboy blush from his comment.

"Yeah... I-I like it." Tony muttered with a shrug to play it off like it was nothing and went back to dancing with the soldier.

"I didn't like scrawny me, he couldn't do what I can do now which is stand up and get my point across." Steve said firmly and determinedly.

"Ya know, I had a crush on scrawny you when I was younger." Tony chuckled while the blonde froze but also somehow continued dancing with him. "You just seemed more... you." He hummed.

"What about me now?" Steve gulped out.

Tony looked at him then brought his hands up so his fingers were tracing his features. "Your eyes, they've seen things that scrawny you wouldn't even imagine." He breathed out. "Your hair now is that of 40s hair but also modern styled hair." He brushed through some strands carelessly. "And you're definitely built differently." He gestured to the blondes muscles and went to touch them but stopped himself with a small gulp as he was most definitely checking him out. "But I had a crush on scrawny you, the one who wouldn't back down even though his opponent was 10X his size or who could curse out someone in just one sentence while his best friend could only do so when he's mad." He explained as the blonde scoffed and rolled his eyes because his best friend is a prick. "I liked him, who my Aunt Peggy told me about." He smiled softly up at him while the blonde let out a soft hum. "Him." He clarified to the blonde. "The you now just seems more admirable." He hummed then stopped short after what just came out of his mouth.

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