"Captain Rogers."

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"We have a new recruit around here guys so be polite and friendly, but not too friendly." Steve eyed his best friend, who smirked as the others laughed.

"Is she hot? Or he?"

"Shut the fuck up." Steve rolled his eyes with a scoff as the man laughed along with the others.

"Anyway, we were called down to SHIELD because they need help around here so Buck, we were asked to help train her when she comes here. Clint, Nat, Wanda, and Tony, you were asked to show her around the place to know where everything is. Tony, Scott, and Sam, you were asked to show her around the gadgets and the mechanical parts of things so she can get a sense of where she wants to work officially in SHIELD. And Hope and Scott, you were asked to tell her about Hank Pym and the Pym particles."

"Any questions?" Steve looked around.

"Who's Tony?" The billionaire raised his hand, and the others laughed.

"I know you heard me, love." Steve scoffed as he gave him a look, but he was also smirking.

"And when she comes in, don't whistle. Bucky." He glared as he gave him a look.

"Fine." Bucky sighed.

"Thank you." Steve hummed.

Steve walked over to the billionaire to kiss him softly and smiled down at the brunette, "you good? You need anythin'?"

"Alright, Stevie, just cause I said that we are trying to have a baby, does not mean that I can't work in my own lab." Tony scoffed as he gave his husband a look.

"And besides, when are you gonna do me over your desk here?"

Steve scoffed, then kissed him and pulled him closer.

"Who knows. Maybe later today when Bucky is too busy hitting on our new recruit... again."

Tony chuckled, then kissed him again and smiled up at the blonde, "I love you Cappy."

"I love you, beautiful."

Steve told the others to go around and work on anything in their "required" field as he waited for the recruit to show.

"I know, I'm really late, and I'm sorry, but I couldn't decide what to wear." She reasoned and gestured to her clothes which were much like Nat's.

"You're good." Steve hummed as he walked over to her.

"Oh, uh, Captain Rogers." She gaped when she saw the blonde.

"H-h-hi." She giggled when she shook hands with him.

"Hi." Steve smiled kindly at her.

"I forgot, you were here today."

"Yeah, well, I'm Captain so I kind of have to be here." Steve shrugged and chuckled softly but jumped when she started to laugh.

"Oh, ha, you're funny." She cracked up to his joke as the man scoffed.

"Yeah, sure."

"Anyway, I'm here to give you a tour and also, to introduce you to the team." Steve smiled as he gestured to the place.

"For starters, this is my best friend Bucky, he's also from the 40s like me." He gestured to himself.

"Oh, yeah, we know each other." She nodded as she waved at the brunette.

"How?" Steve furrowed his brows and looked between the two.

"After HYDRA, I met him and we hung out a lot. Nothing happened though. He's not really my type." She waved off.

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