The Diamond Necklace

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"Tony! I'm home!" Steve called out as he got back from work with some stuff in his hands that he had to take back home while his husband should be home but who knows where he is anymore, probably out going to bother Rhodey or the others or something. 

"In here!" Someone sang. 

Steve hummed as he followed the voice then scoffed as he saw a brunette but it wasn't his husband, "my Tony. How you've changed." He smirked as he saw his best friend sitting in the living room, watching TV with some of the girls and some of the guys as well. 

"It's a new way I'm doing my hair." Bucky hummed while the girls laughed at him and swatted him away but the guys just laughed. 

"Where's Tony, Buck?" Steve chuckled at him as he sat down in a random seat just to kick his best friend in the foot lightly to get his attention. 

"What? You married him, if I did then I would know." Bucky scoffed. "Don'tcha know where your own husband is?" He waved him off as he went back to watching the TV. 

Steve kicked him in the leg this time then turned to the girls, "where is he?" 

"Think he went to Stark Industries, pretty sure he was called by Pepper." Nat shrugged as she was picking at her nails, seeming bored at the topic. 

"Oh boy." Steve muttered as that woman still scared him to this day no matter what. "He in trouble or something?" He looked at the girls curiously and intently. 

"I don't know." Nat scoffed at him. 

"Actually, this is good." Steve hummed as he got up and nudged the girls over to him. 

"It's beautiful!" Wanda rushed over to take it when the blonde instantly took it away from her. 

"Oh my God!" Laura squealed as she saw a beautiful diamond necklace that looked to be very expensive but also very worth the price. "Can I try it on?" She looked at him with a small pouty face and the blonde may be Captain but not even he can resist anyone who does that to him, how else ya think Tony always gets his way with the man? 

"Fine." Steve sighed as he held it out for her. "But don't break it now, alright?" He looked at her timidly when she took it out just to start putting it on.

"Deal." Laura nodded along as she was having the girls put it on her. 

"Rogers, I outta punch you right in the face." Clint glared at the blonde as said man was putting his jacket on the back of a chair at the moment. 

"What?" Steve gaped as he shot his head around to the archer at that notion. "Why? Why I do?" He whined. 

"You buyin' all this stuff, makin' a big deal about it." Clint gestured to the necklace around his wife's neck. "This expensive mineral." He scoffed at it. "Makes me look like I'm cheap." He huffed. 

"Oh please, you were cheap before he was even born." Laura waved him off while the guys covered their mouths at that and the archer gaped at that. "Don't listen to him Steve, he's just moody cause you're so sweet with Tony while he's cheap." She assured the blonde. 

"That isn't for Tony." Steve chuckled. 

"What?" They all gaped at him. 

"The General asked me to keep cause he got it for his wife as an anniversary gift but that's this weekend and it came early so he asked me to keep it hidden." Steve explained as he was getting some water. "He also asked me cause he knows I hang out with you people and wanted to get another woman's opinion but from that reaction, I'm guessing it's a good gift." Steve chuckled at them. 

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