Tony Wants New Furniture

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"You're so good, Petey. Come on, there we go. Go to sleep, nencito." Tony soothed as he rocked his son gently then laid him down in his crib just to smile fondly at him.

The Captain walked in and stayed quiet as he carefully walked over to the crib where his son was laying down in then smiled at his husband.

"He has your hair, love." Steve mouthed softly to him with a smile.

Tony giggled then nudged him along just to shut the light then close the door with a smile.

"Isn't it wonderful, love. Peter has his own room and we have this whole space now?" Steve gestured to their room and their sons little den that was connected to their room as well.

"Yeah, wonderful Cappy." Tony nodded along softly as they headed towards the living area together.

"Ya know, never thought I would say this, but I'm glad ya talked me inta movin'." Steve hummed as they made their way into the living room.

"So am I." Tony smiled brightly.

"Look at this beautiful place." Steve hummed as he looked around their living room.

"Oh, everythin's just great." He sat on the couch then grabbed the newspaper and started to read it with a hum.

The Captain is from the 40s and he still likes to get newspaper's because he's old-fashioned that way while the billionaire finds out the news from the Internet, like a normal person nowadays.

Tony walked his fingers across the back of the couch his husband was sitting in then walked around it just to make a face.


Steve stopped short as he cocked a brow and faced the brunette immediately.

"What's the matter?"

"That ratty old couch and that nasty looking coffee table," Tony gestured between the two, "they just don't belong in this beautiful room." He hummed innocently.

"Tony, what's on your mind?" Steve gave him a look.

"Oh, nothing, nothing." Tony sang sweetly.

"Now that you mention it, though, I did see an ad today for the most beautiful couch and coffee table you've ever seen." He smiled.

"The couch was a three-piece set-"

"No new couch, no new coffee table. Finished, closed." Steve interrupted him immediately as he raised his hand at him as well.

"Aw, gee, Cappy, you should look at this ad." Tony reasoned as he walked over to the desk in their living room where the blonde does his army stuff sometimes when he works from home. "It's the most beautiful couch and coffee table you've ever seen."

"It's-it's only $299, and-"

"Just forget it." Steve gave him a look.

Tony frowned then put the ad down just to grab the chair from the desk, grab a magazine off the coffee table, then face the chair away from the furniture as he sat in it with a huff.

"What do you think you're doin'?" Steve scoffed as he gave his husband a look.

"I might have to live with that couch and coffee table but that doesn't mean I have to look at it." Tony huffed determinedly while the blonde chuckled lightly then went back to reading the paper.

"I think any normal person feels the way I do." He reasoned as he glanced back at the blonde.

"I'll bet the others will think that those two pieces are just awful."

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