"it's just a bit of fun."

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After Civil War, the Rogues came back to the compound after a long and reckless fight between Tony and the government but the billionaire finally won. The Rogues cane back and were very nervous to be put in the same room again as the infamous playboy but they did it.

While Tony may not have been thrilled with them living in the compound with him, he still powered through because they were his team and that's what teammates do, they forgive and try to forget.
The first time it happened, none of them were not only not expecting it to turn into such a big game between each other but also that it would end making such a mess later on.
Clint was walking into the kitchen and saw Tony so he tapped him on the shoulder lightly but jumped slightly when he saw the man practically jump out of his skin from the touch. Once he composed himself, he let out a breath of a laugh and have the brunette a warm smile when the man turned around to look at him, "did I scare ya?" He joked.

Tony gulped as he nodded his head but saw the man was joking around with him so he shook off his literal fear and gave the archer a scoff and a fond roll of his eyes, "oh, it's you Hawkeye. Thought it was someone important." He teased.

Clint laughed as he shoved him back playfully and walked to the fridge, "you're lucky to have me." He mocked, giving the man a cheeky smile.

Tony scoffed and waved him off then walked downstairs, trying to control his heartbeat because he was still getting over the fear the man put him through from the touch alone.
Sam saw Tony and he flew over to him as they were on a mission. He turned his head to face the man and smiled, "nice view isn't it?" He shouted over the suit that was working to keep the man up in the air and safe from any harm. He gaped and was about to call someone over because he saw the engineer almost fall down from being scared but then he chuckled at his reaction, "ya scared Stark?" He teased, flying next to him again once the man got control of his suit again.

Tony made a noise as he nodded his head and tried to calm himself down so he didn't suddenly just get a panic attack right then and there. "Yeah birdy, terrified." He joked back.

Sam scoffed, "really Tony? That nickname?" He sighed dramatically.

Tony hummed as he nodded his head, "yup! Picked it out just for you birdy!" He gave him a cheeky smile even though his suit was covering his face.

Sam chuckled and waved him off then continued flying next him, both talking aimlessly about anything that cane to mind but Sam didn't forget about how scared he made the mechanic which only fueled him even more.
It has been a couple months and it was like a little game the Avengers would play with each other all the time - who could make Tony Stark terrified?

Tony didn't know about that but he didn't say anything about them scaring him because he figured they would just call him out for being a wuss or something like it he didn't. Also because he didn't want them thinking what the rest of the world thinks about him - he's some snooty little rich boy who can't even take a joke because he can get anything and everything he wants. Which was why Tony never told the team that he was actually petrified when they scared him, no matter how badly he wanted to.
They all had an idea and decided to come together to scare the billionaire, hoping to finally get him to admit that he has been scared this whole time.

Clint took a blanket from the couch then stood on one of the side tables by the door as he held it in his hands expectantly.

Sam was on the opposite side of him but he was holding a bucket of water.

Nat was the one who was bringing the billionaire into the room whilst the super soldiers were to listen for them and warn them when they were close.

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