flight attendant

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"Heya Cappy." Tony hummed as he walked into the blondes room without a second thought or even asking if he could come in then sat in a chair.

"Tony!" Steve shot up as he gaped at the man and groaned while he rubbed his eyes.

"Hey Stevie." Bucky walked in as well then saw the billionaire and smirked at him.

"What Buck?" Steve sighed heavily as he was tired of these two.

"I just came in here to wake you up but now... for the view." Bucky admired the billionaire while the genius cocked a brow then scoffed.

"Oh please, I get hit on by more guys than you can imagine Soldier. If ya wanna be smooth with your pick-up lines, you gotta be better than that." Tony got up then walked over to the Sergeant and patted his shoulder just to walk over and hop in the blondes bed with him.

Steve never liked it whenever the soldier flirted with the billionaire. He's always loved the engineer but his best friend always gets the person so he shouldn't even continue trying to be with the mechanic.

"What Tony?" Steve faced him with a sigh.

"Ya know, I had this idea about this dare and I think we should try it on the girls." Tony hummed then took his phone out and started to tap away with a hum as he was looking for something.

"Hey doll, ya sure-"

"Don't care, not interested Barnes." Tony sang as he was still looking for something while the blonde chuckled lightly and the older brunette grumbled.

"This!" Tony showed the Captain a photo of a Captain America flight attendant outfit just for the blonde to gape at it.

"How do you know what that is? How do you know they have one! What the hell is that!" Steve gaped at the billionaire.

"Well, my dad had it for some weird reason but he was a fan of yours so ask him." Tony shrugged then continued to tap away. "It's a flight attendant outfit and it even comes with heels." He informed the man.

"Tine for the dare!" Tony declared then shot up and started to head out. "Barnes! Quit looking at my ass!" He snapped at the man when he could feel the soldier looking at him then headed out while the blonde laughed and the older brunette grumbled.

"Alrighty girls, let's play Truth or Dare." Tony hummed as he was with then in a circle now.

"Okay." Nat shrugged.

"If any of you pick Dare, then I can easily make you wear this outfit on my plane that Cappy will take and you will be on it by being his attendant." Tony showed then the photo and looked smug.

"Alright Tones, let's go." Nat hummed then spun the bottle and she got the billionaire. "Truth or Dare?"

"Dare." Tony hummed as he didn't like Truth. He can look like an idiot but tell one of his secrets is way too far.

"I dare you to wear this outfit for the flight attendant thing." Nat shrugged as she gestured to the photo on the phone then drank her bottle of beer.

"What!" Tony gaped at her as his jaw dropped and the others were there now too.

"You picked dare, I gave it to you, so you have to do it." Nat hummed.

"That was for one of you!" Tony kicked around like an upset child.

"You're the one who chose Dare." Nat shrugged.

"I am not wearing that." Tony huffed as he crossed his arms and turned his head away from then and acted like a snooty child while the others were confused and curious.
Of course, Nat made him so Tony called the blonde for a meeting on his private jet and had to wear the outfit for him which made him groan.

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