Welcome to the Neighborhood

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"No, Johnny, be nice. He's our new neighbor. Besides, you two can possibly become friends." Tony nudged.

"I made him some homemade pie and fresh lemonade. It is summer and he's moving in on such a hot day."

"Be nice, Johnny."

"Fine." John sighed as he grabbed the pitcher from the brunette.

"Plus, they have to be better than our old neighbors."

"I swear, that old man hit my car." John raged.

"Okay, Johnny, okay." Tony nodded and patted his arm to keep him from getting mad.

"The idiot was too moronic to even be walking. Much less driving."

"Johnny, I get it. I know. I was there." Tony nodded.

"Now, come on. We are going over to greet our new neighbor." He pushed toward the door.

"Be nice. No wise cracks. He's new. Let him get settled in first before you drive him off."

"Ha, ha." John smirked and kissed his cheek as he opened the door for him.

Tony walked over, then knocked on the door and brushed down his shirt to look presentable.

"Nat, I told you, I didn't-oh... uh, hello."

"Hi." Tony beamed.

"I'm Tony. Tony Stark." He introduced.

"This is my husband, John Lockwood."

"I saw that you were new to the neighborhood and wanted to bring you some pie and lemonade."

"It's hot out and you're moving everything in so I figured you would not only want a homecooked meal, but also some cold lemonade." He smiled and held it out for him.

"Oh, thank you." The man smiled.

Tony suddenly noticed the stranger was shirtless and couldn't help but stare at his perfectly toned chest and low-hanging jeans that showed his hipbones.

Tony is gay and he knows what he's attracted to, but never in his life has he ever been turned on by another man's hipbones; he didn't even think they were an erotic part of the body - he was never turned on when he saw his husband's or anyone else's for that matter - but when he saw the tall muscular blonde man wear low sweatpants and he could see his hipbones. Now that was a definite turn-on.

"Tony." John nudged when he saw his husband staring at the stranger.

"Hmm?" Tony turned to his husband in curiosity as he tore himself away from the blonde's perfectly crafted abs.

"Go in." John chuckled.

"Oh, uh, thank you." Tony smiled, then walked in and admired the place.

"Huh... it was never this nice when our old neighbors were here."

"Oh, I changed it." The man waved.

"It was dirty. Plus, I made the kitchen bigger by takin' down one of the walls. That's mainly why I'm sweatin' in the first place."

"My friends are comin' over later to celebrate me finally gettin' a house."

"Oh, well, congrats." John smiled.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I never introduced myself." The stranger scoffed.

"I'm Steve. Steve Rogers." He smiled and held out his hand.

"You already know who I am." John waved as he shook his hand.

"You're Tony, right?" Steve turned to the other man and gave him a small smirk.

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