"you're finally back!"

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"No, I'm married. Happily married but thank you." Tony chuckled as he turned down someone who was hitting on him in the grocery store. 

"Oh, well, who's the lucky girl?" The woman looked at him curiously. 

"No, not girl." Tony chuckled as he shook his head softly. "Man." He explained. 

"Oh! Well, he's very lucky." She smiled then headed off to continue grocery shopping. 

Tony chuckled then went back to go grocery shopping too. 

When Tony got home, he saw something on the couch in his house which made him furrow his brows but he shrugged and ignored it as he started to unload the groceries. 

"Oh, hey Brucie." Tony turned to him when he heard the door open and the doctor walked in. 

"Hey Tony." Bruce smiled then noticed he seemed to need help so he helped put the groceries away. "Did he write back yet?" He looked at him curiously as he was trying to make small talk with him as they put the groceries together. 

"Yeah, he's been moved to a different quadrant so he's probably going to be coming back now, in six months and not three." Tony sighed as he missed his husband like crazy but the man was protecting the world so he's fine with it. 

"Oh, I'm sorry. I know that you had everything ready for him coming back in three months." Bruce frowned as he looked at him remorsefully and was putting away the vegetables and fruits. 

"Yeah but he's doing what he loves so even if I don't like it, it doesn't matter because it's passion so let him." Tony shrugged as he was filling the cabinets with stuff. 

"That's really nice actually." Bruce hummed. 

"Yeah, but his passion could be screwing me but whatever." Tony sighed while the scientist snorted then smirked as he looked at him. 

"And there it is." Bruce scoffed while the brunette rolled his eyes with a scoff. 

"Ha, ha." Tony mocked then started to make something to eat for himself. 

"You can come back to the compound, it's always welcome Tony. Especially since those four left to go to war." Bruce spoke softly to him. 

"I'm fine Brucie, I can take care of myself." Tony smiled softly at him in assurance. "I've been doing it for the past, how long has it been since he went back to war?" He looked at him curiously then checked his old calendars. "Around three years." He hummed. 

"It's just not the same with all of them gone." Bruce sighed as he sat down at the island in the brunette's home and leaned on his arm. 

"Yeah, I miss him Brucie." Tony sighed as he got some stuff out that he just put away to make himself some lunch. 

"I'm sure you miss him and Rhodey." Bruce was playing with the bag to the veggies. 

"Yeah, I miss them both but they're doing what they love so I'm not gonna stand in the way of that." Tony hummed then turned on the stove. 

"I'm sure Bucky and Sam are giving him some problems, being how terrible they are together." Bruce chuckled as he tried to change the direction of the topic at hand. 

"Yeah, they're terrible." Tony smiled then started to cut up some peppers. 

"So whatcha do today?" Bruce hummed. 

"I woke up, went to work, fired some people as you do." Tony hummed while the doctor chuckled. "Then I went to the grocery store where some woman flirted with me but I turned her down because I'm happily married and she was very nice about it. She asked me about him." He hummed as he loves talking about his husband, he really is madly in love with the man after all. "Then she left, I went back to grocery shopping, and came home so now I'm talking to you about it." He shrugged as he was checking his food in the pan to make sure he didn't burn anything. 

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