in a rut

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"What's wrong with me?"

"What do you mean? Nothing is wrong with you, Tony." Steve made a face as he looked at him curiously.

"I mean, nobody seems to be interested in me anymore."

"Nothing is wrong with you, Tones. The world is just... being stubborn." Steve reasoned.

"You'll find someone."

"Like who?" Tony scoffed in disbelief.

"I don't know." Steve shrugged.

"But there has to be someone out there for you."

"Am I not that appealing anymore? Am I not attractive to anybody anymore?"

"Tony, you're attractive."

"No, not anymore. Somehow, I pissed off the universe."

"Trust me, you're attractive."

"Yeah, right." Tony scoffed.

"You are." Steve nodded affirmatively.

"Truthfully, I was hoping you would have been drunk when I first told you this, but I think you're attractive."

"Oh?" Tony cocked a brow and gave him a look.

"You're smart, beautiful, funny, skilled in certain... aspects." Steve shifted as he didn't want to make him uncomfortable.

"You think I'm beautiful?" Tony gaped as he faced him completely.

"Yeah. I thought everyone did." Steve pondered.

"No." Tony chuckled softly at the soldier's response.

"I think you are the most beautiful person in practically every room."

"It's not you, Tones. The person that is meant for you is coming." Steve ensured.

Tony grabbed the blonde's chin, looked at him, and hummed, "kiss me."

"What?" Steve gaped.

"Kiss me, Stevie."

"Oh, look, Tony, I'm just helping you out. I thought you just needed like a boost of confidence or something." Steve reasoned.

"No guy gives another guy a boost of confidence by calling their friend beautiful, Stevie." Tony smirked.

"Kiss me."

"Tony... you're drunk."

"You and I both know I stopped drinking a long time ago, Steven."

"Kiss me."

"I'm drunk."

"You're drinking seltzer." Tony scoffed.

"Well, the lemon lime really makes me dizzy." Steve shrugged and the brunette laughed.

"Shut up, Steven." Tony smirked as he grabbed his tie, then pulled him closer and kissed him.

Steve gasped, then melted into it and touched him immediately.

"Come on."

"Huh?" Steve made a face, then yelped when the man was pulling him along somewhere.

Tony shoved the man into his room, went back to kissing him, then started taking off his clothes.

"Wow, you're fast." Steve panted as the engineer was already naked and working on his clothes now.

"Shut up."

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