"The One with Tony's Boots."

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"Hey. So, what do you think?" Tony smiled as he stood up and gestured to himself with a smile.

"Uh... new haircut?"

Tony shook his head softly with a small smile.



"Oh! Panties?"

"No, Steven." Tony glared and gave him a look for that comment.

"Uh, boots?"

Tony nodded softly and smiled, then gestured to them, "yes."

"Ah-ha! Boots!" Steve nodded, which made the man laugh.

"Okay, now, Stevie, just... they're a little more than I spend on boots." Tony reasoned as he took the price away from the soldier before he lost his temper.

"Or rent." He mumbled.

"How much?" Steve gave him a suspicious look.

Tony shifted and fiddled with his fingers as he avoided eye contact with the soldier, "well... I don't wanna say."

If there's one thing Tony has learned from being married to "the man out of time" is that Steve is very tight when it comes to money.

Tony knows the man knows he has money, half of their arguments with other people are because Steve threatens others by saying Tony will buy them out of their own place.

The only problem is that Steve also came from a time period and a family where money was tight.

Steve didn't have much money when he was growing up and if they did, his father spent it on alcohol.

Now that they have money, Steve puts half of their paycheck into a savings account for when they truly need it.

The only time they ever really needed to take out from the account was when they wanted to go on vacation, which is what it is there for.

Tony always the luxury of deciding what he wanted, no matter the price, so money was never an option to him; the only options were the actual options he got from everyone trying to please him.

Steve has made it perfectly clear that the both of them must confide in the other when they are spending over a certain amount of money on something personal.

The last time Tony spent so much money was when he bought another race car and after that, he concluded that Steve probably has the worst temper out of the both of them; he had never seen the man so mad before and it made him scared.

After that, Tony never made as big a purchase as that one without talking it out with his husband.

"Oh, my God." Steve gaped when he saw the price.

"Tony." He gave him a look and the man whined.

"Oh, but Stevie, baby, they just... oh, they look so good." Tony reasoned.

"They're so pretty and fashionable."

"And the saleswoman was looking at me like "oh, these are way too expensive for you," and "oh, you're old and dried up, you can't pull these off" and other things." He mocked.

"She had a point about the price." Steve wiggled the receipt around him and gave him a look.

"Oh, but, Cappy, baby, please?" Tony pleaded and put the receipt on the table as he took his hands.

"Hi." The girls walked in and waved at them.

"Hi." Tony waved back with a smile as the soldier was still thinking everything over.

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