jealousy, jealousy

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Yes, I have read the comments and paid attention to the feedback! Considering how much everyone loves a jealous Steve Rogers, here we go!

Tony is still a billionaire, but he is going to be a movie star - along with being a mechanical engineer, engineer, mechanic, and genius.

Steve is still Captain in the army, but not the Avengers.

The Avengers are not "real" in this oneshot, so it is just the characters in this being portrayed.

I hope you understand; I'm really bad at explaining things [it makes ya wonder why I'm a writer :)] 

Also, a little cheat sheet; Bucky is dating Nat in this, before anyone gets confused. 


"Oh, Cappy!" Tony gasped once he got the notice.

"What? What is it? Where's the danger?" Steve rushed in with a luffa as he was previously in the shower but heard his boyfriend and was ready to fight... with a luffa.

"I got the part." Tony beamed as he looked at him and wiggled the paper in his face.

"You did?" Steve gaped. "For what again?"

"For the lead role in that action movie." Tony nudged to help jog his memory.

"Ooh! Right. I'm so happy for you!" Steve smiled and rushed to hug him, then took the paper to glance it over, but made a face once he made the connection, "uh, doll?"

"Hmm?" Tony hummed in response as he was checking out his naked boyfriend - alright, fine, his ass, big diff.

"Isn't this the, ha, ha," Steve chuckled awkwardly, "isn't this the role you have a sex scene in and you said you weren't gonna take it?"

"No, this is the one where it insinuates a sex scene, but nothing is shown. We're just kissing, Cappy." Tony waved as he turned to look him in the eyes once the man faced him.

"This is the one with the sex scene. It's asking to make sure you're comfortable with bein' naked on screen." Steve read aloud. "Tony!" He groaned and gave him a look as he crossed his arms in annoyance. "You know I don't want you doin' that."

"Oh, Stevie, baby, come on. It's nothing. You think I'm actually gonna have sex with this guy?" Tony scoffed. "I love you, Cappy." He ensured.

"It's for the camera. Fake a moan, kiss a little, pretend to be enjoying it, and bam! Movie well done." He clapped his hands for effect with a little laugh.

"That's Hope's Saturday nights." He shrugged.

"Don't be mean." Steve somewhat glared.

"Oh, Cappy, baby, come on, it's nothing." Tony waved. "You know I love you. You know I wouldn't take it unless I really did have to have sex with this guy. And besides, who cares if I see him naked? I love you."

"I just... I don't like the idea of other people seein' you naked." Steve frowned as he pulled him over and played with the mechanics fingers.

"Stevie, baby, you have nothing to worry about." Tony cooed as he cupped his face and tilted his head up gently.

"I'm old-fashioned. I get it," Steve sighed, "but I just think that if we're datin', then I should be the only guy you see naked."

"It's cute, Stevie." Tony smiled admirably at the soldier. "It's adorable." He furthered.

"But this is a good role. I didn't take it for the possibility of seeing some other guy naked or anything. I took it because I like the script and the plot and everything else. It has nothing to do with the other guy. I promise." He affirmed as he straddled the soldier.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2023 ⏰

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