The One Where Steve and Tony... You Know

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"I can't believe two cows made the ultimate sacrifice so you two could watch TV with your feet up." Wanda looked at the chairs to two were sitting in and scoffed.

"Well, they were chair shaped cows." Sam spoke as the redhead scoffed and gave him a look. "They never would've survived in the wild." He defended.

Wanda nudged his head lightly then faced the TV with a chuckle.

"This screen is amazing." Steve looked at it then tapped it lightly as if that would do something while the others gave him looks.

"Where are the cartoons?" Bucky looked at the TV curiously just for the blonde to point at him as he gave the others looks.

"See? I'm not the only one who says they should still make them."

"Shut up Steve." Sam waved him off as they continued watching the TV.

Bucky got comfortable in his chair with a hum as he leaned back and enjoyed the TV.

"Hi, you guys." Tony walked in with a smile.

"Hey." They all waved at him.

"Hey, you." He walked over to the blonde with a hum.

"Hey, you." Steve looked at him dreamily as he walked closer to him then went to kiss him but the others started shouting.



"Yo, hey."

"Oh my God." Tony rolled his eyes as they both moved away from the TV so they didn't disrupt them.

"So, how your day." He smiled up at him.

"Oh, you know, pretty much the usual." Steve shrugged as he held the engineers hips gently. "Uh... sun shining, birds chirping." He smiled at him.

"Really? Mine too." Tony smiled back at him.

"Hey, cool, mine too." Wanda chuckled as she nudged them both while they gave her a look then waved her off.

Steve went to talk but his phone went off and he groaned but answered it.

Tony grumbled but let him just to face the redhead and scoff.

"Seriously? Can you like, ever be cool?"

Wanda pouted at the comment then faced the TV with a huff as she ignored him.

"Look, I gotta get to the base. So, um..." Steve walked back over and looked at him wary, "I'll see you tonight?"

"Okay." Tony smiled at him because the blonde was always nervous and it was quite cute.

They went to kiss but the others were watching them so Tony looked around to give them looks so they stopped.

Steve shifted then kissed the top of his head and headed off as Tony jumped from the kiss then hummed.

"Bye, guys." Steve waved off as he headed out.



"Whatever." Bucky waved him off as he continued watching TV.

"Tonight?" Nat walked over to him as she gave the brunette a look.

"Hey, woah."

"Woah, move."

Tony and Nat gave them looks as they headed over to the island as Wanda got up and followed them to listen.

"What's tonight?" Nat nudged him lightly.

"It is our first official date. Our first date." Tony hummed as he sang it sweetly then started to take out a cookie and eat it with a hum.

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