alpha and omega

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They were in a coffee shop and Steve saw Tony talking to one of the cashier ladies at the front. He saw how the girl would give him flirty smiles, bat her eyelashes at him, and wouldn't stop touching his arm or something and Steve did not like it. He walked over to them and reached a hand out to tap the billionaires shoulder, "Tony."

Tony was talking to this girl he met while he waited for Steve to come out of the bathroom. "Yeah I-" he was about to tell her that he's dating someone when he heard Steve say his name. He turned to face his boyfriend and smiled up at him.

"Are you done baby?" Steve wrapped an arm around the man's back, pulling him close.

Tony got a faint blush on his cheeks as he nodded his head, "... huh?... yeah, I'm done."

"H-H-Have a nice day!" The girl at the cash register muttered out, still grasping the concept of the brunette being with the blonde.

Tony waved back at the girl as he was pulled away from the counter. He could smell it on him, the man wreaked of jealousy and insecurity. He turned to face his Alpha and got a faint blush back on his cheeks, "hey... Steve?" He gasped when he was slammed into a wall, "huh!... Steve - omph!" He was suddenly being pulled into a heated kiss. "Steve, what..." he let out a small moan when the man started to French kiss him.

"... mine..." Steve growled between kisses, keeping the man pinned between his arms. "Mine... you're mine..." he moved his kisses to the brunettes neck.

Tony held the man's arms as he let the man kiss him, "Steve, I know, of course I'm yours. I wasn't hitting on that girl you know?" Tony reasoned. "You know that right?" He locked eyes with him when the blonde pulled away from his neck. Steve hummed in response. "There's no need to feel insecure Steve..." Tony whined, not liking it when the man started to feel that way.

"I'm... I'm not." Steve replied, not really as confidently as he hoped it would sound.

"I can feel it... I can smell it on you and sense you are." Tony muttered, not wanting to make the man angry or something because of his words.

Steve shook his head lightly, "Tony?..." he locked eyes with the man again and moved exceptionally closer to him, getting a small smirk on his face when he made the man gulp. "Can I... Can I go down on you?" He whispered, ghosting his lips.

Tony got a blush on his face from his words, "huh?... h-h-h-here?" He stuttered out.

"Yeah." Steve replied quickly.

"We're... we're in... in a public place... I thought we weren't allowed to be affectionate in public?" Tony stuttered again.

"It's okay, we're in a dark and secluded area... nobody will see us." Steve whispered against his clothed body as he started to kneel down.

"Huh?... well... okay." Tony shifted around, the anticipation killing him.

Steve started to unbuckle the billionaires pants and pulled them down, along with his boxers, as he looked up at his boyfriend, "and when we get home... I'm going to fuck you hard into the mattress of our bed." He said huskily.

"Huh?" Tony moaned from his words once he processed them then nodded his head, "okay... whatever... whatever you want." Tony succumbed to his words completely, and not just because he was his Omega.

Steve licked his lips as he started to kiss his hips, "mine, mine, mine..." he took him in his mouth and hummed, holding the man's legs open for him.

Tony moaned, looking down at his Alpha, "... Steve?..." he felt and heard the man hum, and moaned again but shook his head to keep himself on track, "h-ho-how... how close are you... to your... to your heat?" He said between moans and pants the man was making him make.

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