Happy Halloween!!!

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I know the holiday passed but I literally saw some fanart, which should be uploaded right now but it isn't mine so shout-out to the person who made it because it gave me an idea for this ship so thank you!! Kudo's to you!!!
Tony loved to dress up for Halloween, everyone knew that.

The billionaire can throw parties that would make Gatsby's parties look like they were organized by a child so of course, the man loved to celebrate and the other thing the mechanic loved to do was dress up so combine the two and you get the best parties in the world, Tony Stark's Halloween Party's!

All of the Avengers were invited and obviously, the Captain was going to show up because him and the billionaire are dating now - yes, even after Thanos and the whole ordeal with the Accords because they talked, got over it, realized they can't live without one another, so bam! Relationship!
"So, you two doing couple costume's?" Nat looked at the couple curiously, along with the girls, but the guys didn't care because most of them probably aren't going to dress up either way.

"Of course!" Tony gasped at the thought of everyone else thinking him and the Captain weren't going to dress up together for the party he was throwing.

"Dear Lord, sorry I asked." Nat scoffed while the guys laughed and the billionaire gave her a look.

"Whatcha goin' as?" Wanda perked up.

Steve opened his mouth to answer but the engineer covered it instantly.

"Nope, surprise." Tony hummed and the girls grumbled, the guys waved off, and the blonde scoffed.

"Alright love." Steve chuckled, kissed his cheek softly, then started to get something to eat.

"What time should we be there?" Scott looked at the mechanic curiously.

"Oh, the party starts at 7." Tony hummed.

"Alright, so 12, got it." Bucky gave him a thumbs-up then laughed when he got a pillow thrown at his head.

"Bucky!" Tony whined as he wanted everyone to be there because it can't be an Avengers party without all of them there.

"Alright, alright." Bucky chuckled as he got up to get some more water. "Jesus doll, it ain't that big a deal anyway." He scoffed as he waved it off.

"Yes it is because it's my party so you people have to come." Tony pointed a finger at them all, daring them to argue.

"Fine." They nodded along.

"And you're all dressing up too." Tony clarified for them.

"Seriously?" Some of the guys groaned as they really didn't want to.

"Yes, unless you'd rather find another place to sleep and live." Tony shrugged as he picked at his nails with a bored look on his face.

"Costumes, got it." They nodded along instantly.

"Seriously doll, I don't dress up for Halloween." Bucky sighed at the engineer.

"Oh come on! Didn't you ever dress up when you were younger for Halloween?" Tony nudged him.

"Yeah, but I was like 5." Bucky scoffed.

"Buck." Steve sighed as he gave him a look.

"Stevie, I don't dress-up. I stopped the minute we got into Intermediate school." Bucky scoffed. Tony frowned at the soldier while the blonde was going to continue getting his best friend to agree but was cut off. "Fine! I'll dress up." Bucky groaned as he agreed because the billionaire is really good at the puppy eyes.

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