Valentine's Day

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"Happy Valentine's Day, Cappy, baby." Tony smiled once he woke up in the arms of his boyfriend.

"Happy Valentine's Day, mon chèrie." Steve cooed and kissed the brunette's forehead.

Tony pulled him closer to kiss him all over.

"Mhmm, Cappy, what's the plan for today? Are we making the gifts or is there a price limit?"

"Definitely a price limit." Steve nodded as he gently ran his hand up and down the brunette's body.

Tony chuckled against his lips, "what is it?"

"Nothing more than... $100."

"Well, I can't get you anything." Tony whined as the blonde scoffed.

"Yes you can."

"Alright, fine, I can, but nothing good." Tony grumbled.

"I don't want you spendin' so much money on me." Steve nudged.

"I'll get you something I think is cute and thoughtful, while you'll get me a trip ta Venice or somethin'." He waved around for effect.

Tony chuckled as he looked at him then kissed him softly.

"I love you, Cappy."

"I love you, Tony." Steve smiled back.

"Nothin' expensive, alright?"

"I just love you, is all."

"I know, but you have the money. I may have money saved up, but what if we want kids or somethin'." Steve reasoned as he moved down to kiss the brunette's stomach softly.

"Cappy... we would have to be married." Tony scoffed as he nudged the blonde gently.

"We should have our presents be homemade." He smiled at the idea.

"Okay." Steve nodded as he liked that idea as well.


"Hmm?" Steve glanced at him then went back to getting dresses for the day.

"I would love to have kids with you." Tony smiled as he was sitting in bed and imagining what it would be like to be married to the soldier.

"Me too." Steve smiled as he was getting his uniform on.

Tony got up, walked over, and helped the man with his tie as he smiled at the thought.

"We're only missing one thing."

"What's that?" Steve scoffed as he thought they had everything for them to have a kid.

"It's a tiny little thing." Tony shrugged.


"It's a piece of jewelry."

"I thought you wanted our gifts to be homemade." Steve furrowed his brows.

"No, not the gift." Tony waved him off then had to restart tying his tie because of the blonde's idiocy that it distracted him.

"I meant for us to have kids."

"Condoms aren't jewelry, plus, they won't help us with makin' a baby." Steve nudged as he held the engineer's sides gently.

"I'm not talking about condoms, Steven." Tony hit him.

"It's a piece of jewelry, goes on my finger after you ask me a specific question, then we get up in front of our friends to declare our love forever." He smiled as he got his tie done.

"Uh... do you want flowers?" Steve reason with a smile as he was confused with what he was asking.

"No, Steven." Tony glared.

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