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Okay, before anyone reads this book, I would like to say that this book includes all gods from different religions. I would like you to respect that. Also, there are a lot of small clothing in this book but please imagine them plus size. It was difficult finding clothes that fit the character in the book. Also, this is my interpretation of gods and goddesses. 

Thank you.




The council sat at the table, worried and concerned mumbles filled the air. What were they to do? Thousands were dying in their realm for no soul could stop the demon in his wrath, the demon he created for the soul purpose of protection. Zephyr sat at the head of the table, looking at the gods argue his final word. He grew tired of it but kept his mouth closed.

"So what are we to do then? Civilians and gods are being murdered as we speak, he has taken over 400 planets and infinite realms and yet your brilliant suggestion is bargaining  to the beast?! This is preposterous! It's suicide!" Alethea, the goddess of truth wailed, standing to her feet. Who was she to speak to him like he was nothing? The last god to belittle him still hangs on his wall. Zephyr's eyes pierced the goddess' gaze, silencing the entire room. Lightening and thunder clashed in the skies, causing a deafening silence. 

"Hold your tongue, as I said, my word is final, I shall speak to the beast myself, nothing is to be done whilst I'm departed and when I say this, I mean every single word, there is no other way." When Zephyr created the demon, he made him unstoppable, indestructible, strong, cold heart and immortal. Nothing on the face of any planet or realm can kill the beast. Starting a war with him will lead to extinction.

With a flick of his wrist, the portal to the home of the beast was right in front of him. Zephyr entered with his fist clenched tight. "You are not welcomed here, Zephyr, so leave while I'm being generous." The beast released a dark, growl followed after. Nothing but darkness swarmed Zephyr, nothing but the smell of blood and bodies. 

"You really need to tidy up your castle, it's a bit unkept." The next thing he knew, the beast's claws scratched his throat but not to deep. "That was a warning, leave or die and haunt these walls like the rest." Zephyr's throat immediately healed but his caution grew. It has been more than one hundred years since he last saw him, after that unfortunate day. "Do you still blame me for what happened-" The walls vibrated as bones cracked. Zephyr knew he triggered the actual monster.

If he doesn't speak now, he's as good as dead. "I'm here to strike a bargain with you! Yes, I understand what you're dealing with bu-" His voice was replaced by a demonic one. "Oh, do you? Is that what you call understanding? Sending all those men to cage me underground?" Silence in the air. "My mercy has ran out, it was your mistake for digging your own grave." Zephyr had to think quickly or his fate would be the same as the others.

"I will brig her back!!" The beast stopped, giving him an uncertain look. "Impossible, that's against your works." Zephyr shook his head, looking into his dark eyes. "To stop this massacre, I'll do anything." The beast was tempted to take this offer but knew of his betrayal one to many. Zephyr saw that he was still hesitant, so he went all the way. "We will make the ultimate pact, the one bond that can't be broken, you knows what happens if we do."

Indeed the beast does. A god or goddess going back on the pact bond will have them tortured in the underworld for three hundred years. Not many have survived the wrath of what Hades can do. The beast can't die but he will be stripped of his powers whist being there. "This is a trick, I know it is." Yet, he still wanted her back in his arms, he missed her.

Zephyr grabbed a piece of shattered glass off the floor, slicing his palm, letting the gold blood drip at his feet. "I assure you, this is no trick." His hands stretched toward him with the glass but the beast growled, ripping the flesh off his palm, letting his black blood mix with Zephyr's. "Let this bargain be sealed and fulfilled."

The blood swirled together on the floor before slowly morphing into a mark on their palms. "You have two months, Zephyr." He simply nodded. "And no one is to die while I search." With that, he was sent back into the council's room.


"What did he say?! Is this war over?!" Ostara, the goddess of the of Spring question as they all looked at him with impatience. What was he to do now? He didn't expect his bluff to reach to the end. There was no way in any world where he could bring her back from the dead. Her soul had already been reincarnated into someone that doesn't even remember their past life.

With all the roaring questions, nothing seemed to consume his thoughts but of ways to find this girl. "What seems to be bothering you, Zephyr?" Demetria, the ancient earth goddess stood in front the frustrated man. He looked around seeing that he had strayed from those pestering gods.

"I made the unbreakable bond with him, I promised to bring her back to him, something that no one can do." Saying what he had done out loud made him feel even more incompetent. Demetria frowned as he spoke. "I foresaw this happening but my predictions are never clear enough so I came up with a solution."

Her beautiful, dark hand graciously moved causing a pink aura. "And what may this be?" She smiled at him. "That unfortunate day, I foresaw it but it was too late when I had arrived. Her soul arrived to the underworld so I went to find her. Hades was a hard one to bargain with." Zephyr couldn't believe what just came out her mouth. 

"So what will we do with a soul? We need a body and hers already belongs to another. "You have little faith in me, Zephyr, her soul will be freed and find her rightful body, once she does, the old body will die and she will ascend as an immortal goddess to rule at his side." She explained but he had so many questions as to why she hasn't spoken up and watched so many innocent lives die?

Sadly, he didn't have time for these answers, he needed to find the body now. "If this is what he have to do then so be it, release her soul, the faster we find her the better." Demetria simply nodded watching the soul disappear from the room. Now they have to play the waiting game. How long will it take to find her? 

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