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"I am sorry but I cannot find an answer."

"Impossible! You are the best of the best and there is nothing that can be done?"

"I wish you luck and hope for the best turn out. I truly wish there was something I could have done."

Just like that, all their hopes were destroyed. Especially Volkan's but he refused to show any type of emotions. "It's alright, I'll be fine." Zulu smiled at Gartha but it was forced. She already prepared herself to fight, not for herself but to keep Volkan alive.

"Iubes me recludere portas." (I command the portals to reopen.) The door to their realm appeared between two crystals tree at the end of her border. "I opened a portal for you. I hope all things go well."


Zephyr stood in the room half naked, looking at the love of his life, lie on the bed, sleeping ever so peacefully. "Are you going to continue to stare at me?" She mumbled, rolling over, glancing at him. "I know that this is stressful for you and I cannot imagine what is on your mind."

She sat up, wrapping the sheets around her chest. "Many will die and it makes me so angry." Gartha gave a small smile. "I will be just fine, Zephyr." Gartha made the decision to join them in the war. He was strongly against it but he can't tell her what to do. She was her own.

"Please reconsider. I do not know what I will do if something does happen." She stepped toward the man she loved deeply, placing a soft kiss on his chest, playing with his hair, something he has grown fond of. "What is the point of thinking like that? Please have some hope in me."

Her slender hands passed through his curls, bringing his head down, kissing her lips before pulling away. "I trust you, I do and I believe you will overcome them." Gartha guided him back to bed with a smile.


Volkan watched Zulu sit under the oak tree, looking down in the water. His beast growled as she swayed slightly before leaning on the tree. He wanted to grabbed her and shove food down his throat but he was so angry at her, he was angry that someone had to pressure her to tell him. It took everything in him not to hold her close.

If he had known earlier then he would have had more time to find a way to protect her. Volkan was crossed because he could lose Zulu. "Are you ever going to forgive me, Volkan?" He turned, seeing Mari, giving the cutest look she could pull off but it only made him annoyed.

"This is not the time nor the place for this, Mari and I have nothing to say to you. Whatever we once had was gone the moment you manipulated me. I will never put myself with such a woman. Be grateful that I still acknowledge that you exist."

Mari was livid at his remark. "Lord Volkan-" He turned his back to her. "If there is nothing else that you wish to discuss, please leave. Good day."  A small huff escaped her mouth before she spoke once more.

"Yet you were with- never mind." Her voice was immediately trapped in her throat at the glare he gave her. His beast surfaced, his eyes turned completely black. "I dare you to speak once more. I will not hesitate to lay you out on this floor." Silence rang between them before she stomped away, her heart beating a mile a minute.

When he finally had his beast under control, his eyes met back to see that she was now looking right at him. He inhaled a sharp breath before turning away before she could say anything.


"I expected better news than this." Nemesis spoke as disappointment lingered in the air as they made their way to the portal. "I do no think that anyone was looking for such an answer." Apollo mumbled.

Zulu sat behind the stag wordlessly, keeping her hands close to her body as they rode behind everyone else. He wasn't speaking to her yet and she couldn't blame him, she was wrong and knew she had to give him time. "I sent word to Guan Yu to prepare everyone for war, we shall join as soon as we arrive." Guan Yu was the Chinese god of war.

Dizzy was the only thing that Zulu as feeling, her stomach churned, her body was sweating and she felt like she was floating on clouds, the sun beat down on her body making it worse. She soon regretted not eating. Artemis glanced back at her noticing that she was unwell.

"We are here." The portal glowed orange between the crystal trees. One by one they stepped through and was greeted by gods and deities. Their grim expressions weren't noticed at first until Demetria burst through the crowd and met Zephyr's face.

She exhale deeply realizing that he didn't get answer. She knew that this war couldn't stop. When the crowd disappeared, Demetria silently looked at Zulu and Volkan as they separated as he helped her off the stag.

"Lovers squabble?" She asked Zephyr who just shook his head at her. "Not exactly, just leave them be."

"Thank you, Apollo." He stopped my big ass from fainting as he placed his hand over my head. "It is not a problem but I suggest you eat, you do not look well." Artemis grabbed my arm with a small frown. "I warned you that this would happen." Zulu wanted to drop this because she wasn't in the mood to be proven right.

"Let's start training." Leaving her two friends concerned.


It was near night fall, everyone felt exhausted, there was no rest for them. Then Zephyr sensed it. He sensed them coming.




It echoed amongst the trees, everything becoming still as fear creeped into their chest. Volkan's beast immediately forgot the petty argument they had at the Elder's home and instantly went to her side to protect her.

"They're here." Osiris spoke, his eyes glowed, stepping away from the trees. "Everyone, stay together!" Zephyr ordered.


"She should have been mine."

"What? What are you speaking about?"


"All she had to do was leave him and be with me."


"But she died because she chose wrong."


Screams rang through the air as the mortals tried finding somewhere to hide from the chaos that was about to happen.

"I want her back."


"I need her back, she was my everything."

"It was you?!" Zephyr sneered in their direction for them to only smile.

"Now you all will die just like she did, you all have to die if I want Alina back."

"You caused this. You placed this upon yourselves."

"Demetria...how could you do this to us?"

 A crazed smile appeared on her face.

"It is just a small price I'm willing to take for love."

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