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Third Person Pov

Volkan's hands felt wet and his muscles tensed under his clothes but why? His slick man bun, fell down his back tonight. He wanted to show her what it looked like. A piece of his hair fell in his face which gladly distracted him from his impatient beast who wanted to march up those stairs and bring her down.

He was at least twenty minutes early. Bethany entered the hall with a very pleased look on her face. Her silver heels clicked and his mouth dropped. Her curves hugged the dress in every way possible, her ass round and and juicy. She struts into the room with so much confidence. Something she hasn't felt in years. This dress made her feel sexy.

It hadn't occurred to him his mouth was open until a numbing pain poked his jaw. Her head wrapped with a silver and black cloth. Zulu smiled never looked so bright. The earrings were big and dramatic as they lightly swung from her ears.

"Doesn't she look stunning, sire?" Stunning? That wasn't the word he was looking for. It had to be something greater. "I thought it was a little dramatic but Artemis said that they go all out for the galas. You look very handsome, Volkan."

He still had no words. "Sire?" Bethany had called out but no luck. He was admiring her. Of course he looked at her before and he always thought that she was beautiful but tonight, something felt different.

"The words-" He started off, getting their attention. Her big eyes looked into his. "The words to describe the way that you look are something that I cannot find in any way, shape or form." His words made her blush. Thank God she was black.

Bethany stepped back as his hand stretched for hers. Zulu placed her hand in his as he opened the portal to the gala. Artemis wasn't joking. Everyone entered in their best of the best. Ts' ai Shen, the Chinese god of wealth appeared in his pure gold armor and crown, his boots made of the best fabric. Hwanung, the Korean god of the law entered in his pure white, silk. Ishtar, the goddess to the Natives. She was the goddess of love and war. She wore her tribal colors, gold covered her cloak.

Everyone was here to impress. The gods turned and whispered as Zulu glided by but her eyes were roaming the crowd for Artemis and Nemesis. They have become close friends ever since the coronation.

"What a beauty, she is." Ganesh, the Thai god of removal of obstacles spoke openly to Hachiman, the Japanese god of war. He leaned on his sword. "Not all of us were blessed such a woman but if she were to be mine, our nights would be filled with pleasure." They laughed obnoxiously. 

Volkan felt his beast rage inside of him, itching to be released at the words of the gods but he reasoned with him. This was Zulu's first gala and he wanted her to enjoy it. Zephyr and Demetria entered hand in hand as they were this year's hosts.

A firm grip landed on her soft waist as she was pulled into his side. Enki, Iraq's god of water, walked up to them with a sly smile. "Please excuse me but, you are absolutely breathing. Would you please honor me this dance?"

Volkan was this close to sending everyone into a frenzy. His anger subsided once her eyes landed on his. "I will be right back, don't go anywhere." By those simple words, he rooted himself in that spot. "I will."

Demetria walked up to him with a small smile. "You cannot seem to take your eyes off her." He honestly couldn't. "You seem to fancy her. Why do you hold what you feel?" He almost growled at her. He refused to take the chance of starting a relationship.

Death always followed him. She realized that he wasn't going to respond to her and left him. Zephyr looked at Volkan from afar, he was worried but yet he refuse to speak. Rumors of war against him have travelled around the galaxy but nothing set in stone. They plan to come after Zulu, the woman that he finally started to care about.

"You look stressed? What could possibly worry you?" Demetria joined him once again. "Rumors to kill Volkan are on the rise and it has me slightly worried." She scoffed. "Nothing can kill him. He is immortal. Their lives would be taken in vain."

He frowned even more. "Nothing can kill him, right?" She questioned, looking slightly worried herself. His silence confirmed it. There was something that can actually kill the great beast. "I know that this isn't any of my business but as your friend, I suggest that you tell him this piece of very important, may I add, information unless you want something to ha-"

His hand slammed against the chair causing everyone to pause. His breathing was uneven for a moment before giving the signal to begin the music once more. "You are right, Demetria. This is none of your concern."

She scoffed, removing herself from his presence. Typical Zephyr, he thinks that he could do everything for himself.

Artemis and Nemesis gathered with Zulu as they giggled about random things at the gala. "He cannot take his eyes off of you, my dear." Nemesis smiled while Artemis agreed. "He has been cautious of your every move because the gods are very-" She looked about like she was looking for a word to describe them.

"Sexual, they are horny and willing to have sex with anything with a vagina. That is why there are a lot of half breeds on earth. Only humans would hook up with a man for just looks." Nemesis giggled.

Servants passed with champagnes on a silver tray and she picked up two. She excused herself from her friends, heading to Volkan. He had been patient the entire night and that must have taken so much in him. He stood in the back of the gala, looking at Zulu the entire time.

He straightened as she approached him with a glass of wine. He took it from her smooth hands, clicking them together. "Here's to a wonderful night even though you didn't want to be here." A ghost smile appeared on his lips as he brought it up to his lips.

Something smelt off. His beast stirred in him before grabbing her glass. She flinched at my reflexes. "I deeply apologize about that." He threw the liquid in a nearby plant. To their horror, the plant immediately shriveled up and began melting.

Gasps, murmurs quickly filled the room. Hachiman spat the wine out his mouth immediately. "What in the great gods name is going on?!" Zephyr marched through the crowd to see what the commotion was about.

"Someone tried to poison us." Volkan's demonic voice broke through. That was his breaking point tonight. "I swear to you that this was not my doing." Bones started breaking as he was already in half shift. "I did not ask for your excuse!!" He flung the table across the room as the deities scattered.

He was nowhere near in control of his body at this moment. "Please, you have to calm down so we can find out what is going on." His beast wanted to rip his throat out even more. "Who served her the drink?! Bring me the bitch!"

Immediately, a young girl was thrown at the half shifted beast. Her body shook in fear, she didn't dare look up. "Who put you up to this?" Her breathing became worse but still didn't reply to the angry god. Zulu still stood there in shock. Someone was trying to kill her but why?

"Speak!!!" His demonic voice boomed across the halls, causing gods to retreat into a corner. After a few seconds, she left her head and faced the monster in front of her. "Monsters are meant to die. No matter what, you will die. Maybe not my hands but we are coming. More than you can imagine."

Zephyr frowned. That confirms his suspicion. "You have killed many for a reason that the gods caused. My son was only four." Tears blurred her vision. "You don't deserve anything good in your life!!!"

His claws silently extracted and sank into her neck. Blood gushed out her body as she fought for life. "You didn't answer my question." Ripping her head off her body, he threw the remains to the side.

Zulu has never seen something that horrific. She hasn't seen that side of him before and it was terrifying. By now, everyone evacuated the gala, leaving Zephyr, Zulu and Volkan. His beast realized that she was still in the room.

His eyes immediately went to her, causing her to flinch away. He did not think this though. 

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