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My eyes opened, gasping for air. My hand immediately looked at my stomach and realized that I've changed. What the hell is going on here? Taking in my surroundings, I realized that I was in the woods but something felt off about this whole situation.

Am I dead?

Is this the place gods go to when they die?

Dying is getting boring now.

What about Volkan?

I smiled thinking about it. It suited him very well. "Volkan." Sadly, I may never get to see his reaction saying his name. Once again, I'm alone.

"You're not dead, just unconscious. You will wake up soon." Turning, there stood Alina with a neutral face. "What's going on then?" She tapped the tree and its vines hung, making a door entrance. "I'm here to tell you the truth, something that I never had the opportunity to voice." She entered through the vines and I didn't see her on the other end.

I followed her in and gasped when I saw Volkan smiling down at me. "Where have you been? I have been waiting here for quite some time." I was about to answer him but he walked right passed me and hugged Alina. "I was in the town, helping Mr. Rouge with his library." He chuckled before pulling her into a kiss.

Alina appeared next to me. "I loved him, I loved him more than anyone knew, I was just naïve when it came to choosing people to be around." So this was a flashback. She frowned looking back on the memory. "Why are you showing me this? What does this have to do with you dying?"

She pointed back to the memory but something felt off. Alina pointed behind Volkan, seeing a shadow move so quickly it was hard to identify who it was. "What the hell was that?" She turned her back, showing me another memory of her holding a jewel in her hand. This must have been when she got caught.

"I was not the most innocent person but I was not trying to break the gem under those accusations." What does that even mean? "I did enter the sanctum and tried breaking the jewel but I did not sneak in and I would not have touched it if I had known that was the sacred jewel." That doesn't make sense. "I was set up and I'm just a mere human living amongst gods. Who would you believe?"

She was right but I felt like she was leaving something out. "There's more, isn't it?" Her green eyes looked into mine. "Yes, there is but I'm too ashamed to say what I did." That bad. I gestured her to continued. "How can I help if I don't know what happened?"

"I-" She casted her eyes to the grass.

"I was having an affair with someone else whilst with Volkan."

Shocked wasn't even the word to describe what I was feeling. "How could you do that to the man that you claimed to love? That's ridiculous!!" This really hit home for me. Being deeply in love to notice anything that they do. "I have already died, I'm paying for my crimes, trust me, I do not need judgement from another."

"Who did you have an affair with?" Alina frowned. "That's the problem, the memory was taken from me but all I know is that whoever it was, killed me and they're coming for Volkan next." How can that even be?

"That's impossible! He can't die, he told me that himself." She shook her head. "That is what they wanted everyone to think but the beast has a weakness. That one thing can kill him in a heart beat." She gazed at me with sad eyes.

"His true love and thankfully, it wasn't me." His true love?

Love will kill this man? "In order for him to die, he has to find his true love which we haven't found so we have time to find whoever is doing this." The earth started shaking under me. "What's happening?" I looked at her and she was slowly disappearing. "You're waking up. Find whoever is trying to kill him. We don't have much time and I do not know when we will meet again."



Volkan's Pov

It has bee eight days since I saw her beautiful brown eyes, eight days since I saw her smile, heard her laugh and that annoyed face she makes when I ask to touch her hair. I have missed it all. Artemis and Nemesis have all dropped by to check on her which I knew she would appreciate it. Bethany walked in and bowed at me.

"Lord Zephyr is here once more, he keeps insisting to see you and refuses to leave until you do." This fool needs to understand that there will be nothing that he can do to make me look at him the same way. I glanced at Zulu's body, resting peacefully before heading downstairs. "Thank you, I'll take it from here." She bowed before leaving the room.

His face came into view and I immediately felt angry. "What is it that you want so desperately?!" He frowned. "I just wanted to know how she was do-" I am not entertaining this. "No she has not, now leave." Zephyr sighs, standing this ground. 

"I couldn't save Alina, no matter how much you blamed me. We have rules and a council. My voice doesn't over rule fifteen others! It doesn't work like that!" How dare he raise his voice at me? "I suggested a different punishment but they all went against it. You have to believe that!"

"You are my son! I haven't spoken to you in over a century because of something that I have no power over!" He was crossing the line.

"Son? You want me to thank you for creating me to do your evil works? I'm worse than Hades himself. You created me to destroy and the mistake I did was listening to you when you said that I was more than just this monster."

The pain I held started stifling me but I continued anyway. "You said that I could love just like any god and fall in love. Look what happened to Alina. She's gone because she associated with a beast like me." He shook his head. "No, you know that's not true."

"Now look at Zulu, I finally started to be happy again, even though it is just a friendship. She was almost murdered because of me." Water fell on my face, making me look up, trying to find what was leaking.

Was I crying? I refused to look weak in front of him. "I never blamed you for the council's decision, I blamed you because you made me believe that I wasn't a monster and good things can happen to me."


Walking back up the stairs, I opened the door to find no one on the bed. "Bethany!!" Her feet scampered up the stairs. "Yes, my lord." Her eyes glanced at the bed causing her eyes to widen. "Everyone!! Everyone, queen Zulu is missing! Search the castle!"

Who would take her?

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