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"No! You can't do my hair!" He frowned once more before sitting on my bed, looking at me through the mirror. "Why can't I? I have been looking at you do it for quite some time now and I am very confident that I can do it." I did my corn rows before rolling my eyes at him. "No. Stop asking me."

Things have been going really well with us after our talk we had a few weeks ago. His eyes seemed much lighter since then. "Not even one?" When will he quit? "No, not even one." Once I was finished, I looked at him. "How do I look?"

With a small pause, he replied, "Like a goddess." Thank God I was too dark so he couldn't see my blush. "Where are we going again?" He wrapped my arm around his. "I wanted to celebrate our new friendship a little more so I decided to show you somewhere that calms me."

He walked us to the double doors before swiping his hand on it. "Open it." His brow raised with a slight smirk. Opening the door, a gasped escaped my mouth.

 Opening the door, a gasped escaped my mouth

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"After you." He said, waiting for me to enter. Slowly walking in, a cool breeze hit me, crickets sang, butterflies flew around, strange flowers grew, it was just perfect. "Where did you find this place?" It was simply beautiful. He sat me down before pulling out a small basket with snacks.

"I found it years ago after- are you hungry? I packed a few things that you may take liking too. I asked Bethany for some of the foods that you like." I wish I could make things better for him, make him forget.

After a few minutes of talking, something hit me. "You know what's funny to me?" He looked at me with his brows frowned. "I would like to know what is funny." "You never told me your name and you've never called me by name."

He frowned once more. "How is that funny?" He takes everything too literal. "You just never told me your name, I've been calling you 'hey' for so long now." He leaned back on the bench. "Really, I could have sworn I said something earlier. How silly of me. Maybe it is funny after all" With a shrug, he placed a biscuit in his mouth making me hit his shoulder. 

"Stop! What's your name?" He chuckled before looking at me with these amused eyes. "If you must know, my name is-" His faced grew serious before standing to his feet. "What? What's wrong?" He grabbed my arm. "We're being being attack, we need to go."

Attack? Who's attacking? With a snap of his fingers, we were now back in my room. "Hide, I will be right back. Do not leave this room until I come back." He hands gripped my shoulders, worry in his eyes. "I promise I won't leave this room now go." He glanced over me one more time before he was gone.



Bodies of innocent people as far as the eye can see. "You took our families! You don't serve to live! You should be buried like the rest of them." My beast took over, I felt my fur sprout from my body, my teeth grow, my claws came out, my pupils turned pitch black.

They ruined my wonderful day so they could get revenge?

I felt my bones crack as I got taller and bigger. You can immediately see the regret in some of their eyes. "Then you will see what happens to gods that think they can hold me."

Zephyr looked at me before giving me the signal. I charged at the god, ripping them apart one by one. Guns and arrows bounced right off my body. They were useless. I was made to destroy, I was indestructible. Many of them retreated but some willingly laid their lives down for nothing. 

Bringing the last man to my face, he smiled, blood trickling down his mouth and head. "How foolish of you to give your life for something as petty as this?" He shook his head at me. "Victory comes in many ways." 

I have always hated riddles.

I stuck his spear in the dirt before thrusting his skull through it. "We will take care of the rest. You can leave." Zephyr spoke, looking at the man hanging from his hand. Without a next word, I slowly shifted back into my human form, making it back to the castle.

Immediately entering the castle, I frowned. Something was completely wrong. There was an unfamiliar scent. My heart dropped. 


"Victory comes in my ways." It was a distraction!

I raced to her room, breaking the door open to see Ares. He was so incompetent. The most mocked and annoying god I have ever greeted. "Come to die?" I felt my beast clawing to kill him but I kept him at bay, I wanted this one.

Ares aimed his spear at me, throwing it right past me, into the cupboard. I took advantage of it, ripping his head off his body. Bethany ran into the room, screaming bloody Mary. Turning to the cupboard, I almost stopped breathing. Blood ran out of the creases, Zulu's blood. Ripping the doors off, the spear pierced through her stomach.

"I-I hid, I-I hid." She weakly spoke. I placed her on the floor, afraid to take the speak out. "Don't talk, I'll get help. Send for Apollo now!!" Bethany rushed out the room. "You'll be just fine, don't leave me, Zulu."

Her eyes started drooping but she smiled. "Y-You never s-said my name before, i-it sounds n-nice." She's the only woman that would say something like this while dying. "Y-You never t-told m-me your n-name." Her eyes started closing down. "Keep them open for me, please. My name is Volkan, it's Volkan."

Tears blurred my vision. "Mhm." Her eyes rolled back into her eyes as her breathing stopped. "Zulu, open your eyes right now." The castle vibrated as the my beast cried for her. Paintings fell off the walls, vases smashing but all I could focus on is Zulu.

I was finally happy.

Don't I deserve happiness?

Apollo marched in, ripping the dress open. At any point in time, I would have killed him. "She's lost too much blood, she won't survive." I growled at him. "Do not say that, you have to save her." I have put her through too much for her to leave like this. "There's only one way but you won't like it."

"I will do anything."

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