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Third Person's Pov

"We must go, help me get him up." Gartha stood to her feet as Zeus and Aries pried Zephyr away from the corpse. "I cannot. I cannot leave him here, he will get cold, Gartha." She held his face, forcing him to look at her. Artemis teared up at the scene before looking away.

"He will be just fine but we need to get to Sage before she explodes and causes more havoc. We need to leave, my love." With slight hesitance, he dragged his body behind me. "Do not look back." She encouraged him as they made their way to her sister.

A rage filled screamed echoed through the air before Gartha opened a portal directly to her sister, Demetria and a freshly dead Alina. She did it, she really did it. Sage stood to her feet, her eyes turned black as veins formed on her neck and arms. "You caused this, you will die for what you have done."

"In vertice montis de longe!" (Fall into a deep slumber!) Gartha was always the dominate sister, he magic was stronger but it soon fell behind when Sage began using black magic. All the souls that she had trapped were deals that were incomplete. She used them as her source to become stronger.

Her chest is now destroyed so she is now weak. Demetria tried running away but was caught immediately. "Stillabunt ad genua procumbis." (Drop to your knees immediately.) Her legs stopped working as she fell not too far from her.

Gartha realized that Demetria's powers were fading as her people were slowly dying out. She needed the help from someone who was willing to take anything to gain everything. Someone with no morals or conscience.

"No! Let me go!! You ruined everything! You pathetic bitch!!" She screamed at the top of her lungs until she fell over trying to go against the spell.

 "You killed many gods and goddess, you destroyed many lives and yet you still blame us because you could not handle a mere mortal rejecting you?" Gartha slapped her across her face. "Who truly is the pathetic bitch?" Demetria started breathing heavily as she tried using her powers but ended up with red and gold blood running down her nose.

She was turning into a human.

The rest of them soon joined Gartha at the scene. "Zulu?!" Artemis and Nemesis rushed to their friend's side, weeping over her body. "Is she really gone?" Mari asked, causing Nemesis to stand. "You would love that!!"

Gartha rolled her eyes flicking her wrist making Volkan's body appear next to Zulu's. "I can bring them back-" Zephyr's eyes widened. "But it will be up to them if they want to wake up."

"I thought you said that there was no way that you could help." Apollo spoke, stepping forward. "There was no way until I saw Zulu's blood, I found traces off Volkan's blood in her system." Apollo's eyes widened. 

"Volkan's blood can heal and regenerate, slowly but surely. The amount was not great as she lost the majority but it is enough to restart her body. Once her hearts starts beating, Volkan's heart will too. He will slowly heal but I cannot be sure when they will wake, or if they will."

"How did his blood enter hers?" Zephyr asked. Apollo stepped forward. "The very first attack where she was injured, she had lost too much blood, she was dying, it did not matter if I healed her or not."




"She's lost too much blood, she won't survive." Volkan growled at him. "Do not say that, you have to save her." 

"There's only one way but you won't like it."

"I will do anything."

Apollo sliced his arm open, making him growl slightly. He poured his blood into her wound, watching the gash slowly close. Apollo finished the healing process, reading her reaction to his blood. After what seemed to be forever, Apollo finally nodded.

"She will be fine, she just needs rest."



"I used his blood that day, I thought it would have left her system after few days of healing her but I was wrong."

Silence was deafening amongst the gods until Hachiman spoke. "We have to try, thinking about the negative will not help us. Do what needs to be done, I have grown quite fond of Zulu, it would be quite boring without her. Who else would reject me in the most polite way?"

A small smile made it's way to her face. 

"Then we have no time to waste."


Zulu's Pov

She sat there with Legion who didn't seem to mind what was going on. He snuggled next to me, playing with the leaves on the floor. I was too scared to say anything. Volkan immediately disappeared after Alina and it feels like forever since they left.

Alina suddenly dropped from nowhere as she held her chest, gasping. "Alina! Are you alright? How was it?" I helped her off the floor as Legion ran to her. "I forgot how horrible dying feels." She says the weirdest things sometimes.

"I did it! I destroyed the box and killed myself, I mean you...us?" I laughed in relief as she grinned at me. "Now it is Gartha's turn, pray that everything goes well and you wake up." I stopped and looked at her as she kissed her son. 

"You had a chance to live again but you didn't take it. Why?" She looked at me for a second. "I already lived mine, it may have been short but it was mine. I came to terms that everything happened for a reason and jealousy is not my color." She joked making me smile.

"But in all seriousness, if I were to continue on my life in your body, it would be meaningless. I wouldn't truly love anyone, I would have no family and I would not get to see Legion." She kissed his cheek, looking at me.

"I belong here, Zulu and you belong with Volkan." She smiles at me. I didn't know what to say to her after that. She stood to her feet, pointing behind me. Volkan smiled, wrapping me in his arms. I looked at back at Alina who stared at the sky, with wide eyes.

I followed her stare seeing a glow between the trees. "What is that?" Looking back at her, she had tears in her eyes. "The gods have forgiven me, I'm going to paradise..." She clutched Legion closer to her, walking toward the light.

I grabbed her arm, stopping her. She looked back at me with a smile on her face. "I thought that thi-" Alina giggled, shaking her head. "I once told you that I was paying for sins, they banished me here to be alone, that was my greatest fear, my pain. I righted my wrong now they have forgiven me."

Volkan held my shoulder, pulling me away from her. "I.. thank you, Alina, I won't forget you. Goodbye, Legion, be good for mummy." He smiled at me, waving before they both disappeared. The light vanished, leaving us in silence. "Why are you crying, darling?"

He wiped my tears. "Everything is fine now. Demetria has been stopped." Volkan deserved better, his life shouldn't have been this hard. "I'm sorry for keeping everything from you. Please forgive me."

His nose brushed against mine softly. "I already did, I could not stay angry at you for long. Please forgive me for ignoring you during our stay at Elder Gartha's and the journey back." Who could have blamed him for wanting time to himself after that?

"There isn't anything to forgive." He looked around with a frown. "Do you feel any connection to the outside world?" I asked and he shook his head. "Are we...dead?" He was quiet for a while.

"I have no idea, darling. Only time will tell."

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