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I mentally prepared myself for the hate I was about to get. Grabbing my bag, I headed over to my mother's house where I saw a very familiar car in the drive way. What was he doing here? Did ma invite him over? Opening the door, I was immediately greeted by my mother who had a spoon in her hand. "You made it! How wonderful, could you go get your sister for me? She's in her room, no idea what's taking her so long to get ready."

Without a word, I headed upstairs and my stomach dropped to the floor. Moaning came from her room and it didn't take me long to figure out why my mother invited me over. Slowly opening the door, I was met with my husband and my sister having sex. 

Tears poured down my face, anger was the only thing I felt. I'm a good wife to this man and he comes here to sleep with my sister? I didn't know what was happening until I grabbed my sister by her hair, dragging her out the room, ignoring all the screams for me to stop. "Zulu! Zulu!! Stop!!" I threw her ass down the stairs naked as she was born.

"Oh my God!! Zulu! Are you crazy?" Turning to the man that I was so blinded by love to see that he was cheating. "Crazy?! You wanna see crazy? I have spent all this time telling myself that I did something wrong and I deserved this but it was all you!!" 

He scoffed wrapping a towel around himself. "You did this, if you kept your fat ass in shape, maybe I wouldn't have to get it from someone else." All I could think about was murder. With her sister? Of all people. I knew we weren't close but it hurt. He pushed past me with a blanket to cover a crying Sherice.

Heading down the stairs, my mother smirked. "I didn't expect that from you." My hands shook in anger. Someone had to die. I refuse to look like a clown when I have done nothing wrong. "I want a divorce, Roy, I'm done with you and this family." He laughed at me. "Where would you go? You have nothing." I didn't care where I went, I didn't want to be near him.

"Zulu, please don't hate me for this, it was a drunk accident and it kept happening. I kept telling you to leave him but you wouldn't listen!" So that's why she was insisting on us breaking up, so she could have him for herself. "It was better to hear it from us than someone outside. How long has this affair been going on? Six? Eight months?"

The girls in the bathroom, everyone knew but me. I drew my fist back, hitting Roy as hard as I could in his jaw. Sherice squealed as my other had bitch slapped her. "I will never forgive you for what you've done to me, rot in hell." My life just came to an end. What am I suppose to do with myself now?

"You're nothing without me! Nothing!!" Slamming the car door, I drove off onto the dark and empty road and found myself crying nonstop. The tears wouldn't stop. I didn't know it would hurt this much.

"He needs your help, you don't have much time."

The woman in the mirror. "What did you do to me?" I called out before feeling pain erupt in my chest, causing the car to swerve on the busy streets. My vision blurred causing me to swerve once more.

"Go to him."

A blinding light shone in my face with the sound of a loud truck horn. I knew that I was going to die. I felt my bones crush against the steering wheel and dash board, my heart stopped as my skull was crushed in with the front of the truck. I felt nothing.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3rd Person

A light escaped her body along with the pink aura, fusing together, ascending into the sky. "Oh my God! Call an ambulance, she's not breathing!"

Zephyr paced as time ran out, he had a few days until the deal was broken and things haven't been working out. "I cannot believe you had me go along with this ridiculous plan! I should have been looking." He thought he had placed too much hope in her.

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