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It has been exactly two weeks since I've been here and nothing has changed. He still ignores me and I ignore him, I walk around the castle, eat and talk to myself. My clothes were changed into bigger sizes, thank God. 

"Your Highness, we have two guess." Zephyr and Demetria still haven't come back for me and I'm praying that it's them. Two gorgeous females walked in, crushing what little self esteem I had left. They bowed at me and I awkwardly did the same.

"Greetings, my dear, my name is Artemis, I am the goddess of wild animals."

"Greetings, I am Nemesis, the goddess of divine retribution."

What was I suppose to say?

"Uh, hello, my name is Zulu and I'm the goddess of the moon?" That was horrible. "Wonderful to meet you but we came to discuss something with you."

Bethany placed chairs for them to sit and stepped back. "We are here to get you ready for the coronation of you becoming the goddess. The ceremony requires a few steps which we are going to show. It will be held at your castle."

Here? This place is pretty dark. Artemis giggled. "Not in this one, the castle for the moon goddess. Every deity has their own castle where they go to answer their people's needs. It's where our powers grow." Maybe I could stay there instead of here.

"We start now, so please follow us." With a flick of her hand, a portal opened and there we stood, in the middle of a crystal castle with a crest on the doors. It was beautiful. We entered the building and I gasped. Actual crystals lined the flooring, black and grey gems on the walls, gold chairs, the stairs were made of grey and clear gems. I was afraid to step too hard before it broke.

"Let's begin shall we? All the deities are in here and the music plays, a path will clear for you and you will walk up these stairs where you will meet Zeus. He will make a grand speech about another deity joining us then go on to ask you, 'are you willing to leave your old life behind to serve and the protect the people that serve the moon?' and you will say 'yes, with my life.'" Nemesis spoke, guiding me on the stairs.

"He will then give you the wine of connection. It connect you to every deity and your worshippers. It will give you a sense of belonging." I hope it does. "He will then go on to speak about how important this is and you cannot abandon it no matter how difficult it may get and it will."

"Has anyone tried walking away from it?" Artemis nods with a slight frown. "We talk out oaths seriously in the realm and breaking one like that has only one outcome and it's death." Well that's a little harsh. "After the coronation, there will be a celebration where we will dance the night away." Nemesis giggled.

"Not just any dance, it's the bonding dance. You will take your partner and hold them tight and he spins you three times around the dance floor dipping you, he then pulls you in and out of his arms before twirling you and then a dramatic dip. You do this on the floor by yourselves before anyone else can join in."

"That doesn't seem so bad, who will be my partner?" They both glanced at each other before it dawned on me. It was the scary guy that I was living with. "Does it have to be him? I don't even know the guy's name! He won't even come close to me, how will that even work out?"

Artemis shook her golden locks. "Do not frustrate yourself with that. I will be your partner until we figure out what to do with the beast." Is that what people call him? The beast? Even though it was fitting, it felt wrong to call him that.

We practiced for a few hours before it was time to leave. It coronation is in two days, we will see you then." They were so nice, why was I expecting some mean bitches? Entering the castle, dread filled me as the first person I saw was him. Without a single glance, I walked passed him but he stopped me.

"You could have made me aware that you were getting ready for the coronation." His deep voice murmured. "You wouldn't have cared so why waste my breath taking to a wall." His fist tightened but I didn't care. "Have you gotten your dress?" Why was he trying?

"I have one being made. Why?" He got up. "Follow me." He walked out the room, heading upstairs. He stopped in front of a wall before opening it. That's cool. Stepping inside, there was beautiful diamond tiara. "You can wear this to the coronation."

Is he for real? Slowly picking it up, I admired the stones until I saw the 'A' at the side. It was Alina's. A stinging pain swarmed my chest but I didn't cry. I had nothing to cry about. We had no feelings for each other but it felt like Roy was standing in front of me and giving me flowers that were meant for Sherice.

Always the second option.

"It is beautiful but I'll pass." Putting it down, I turned to leave until I heard.

"Alina, I made this for you-"

Anger rushed through me, it was all happening to fast. My hand connected to his face. "I am not Alina! Please stop looking at me like I'll miraculously remember who you were to her and we'll live a happy life! All I'm asking for is stop comparing me to her and respect me! You can go back to ignoring me like before, that's fine-"

"Alina would have never placed her hands on me." He murmured. The lump in my throat formed but I got out of there before he could see my tears. Why was I so weak?

Entering my room, I peeled off my dress, placing something a little more comfortable on. I walked to the ledge just looking at the big moon and before I realized, I was out like a light.

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