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Third Person's Pov

Zephyr sat at the bed side of Zulu and Volkan who have been in deep sleep for three days. No movement but their chest rising and falling assured him that they were still alive. Nemesis and Artemis visited as well, talking to their unconscious friend, hoping that it would help.

"Mari still thinks that she has a chance with Volkan after he clearly stated that he loves you but bitches will be bitches." Artemis hit her friend who shrugged it off. "Just wake up soon so we can commute like we use to."


Volkan looked at Zulu who walked through the trees, looking up at the dark sky, the crunching under her feet were the only noise they could hear. "If we don't make it...this place isn't so bad." Volkan shook his head at her. "We will make it, we just have to be patient."

That is what she was running out of. She wondered how Alina spent all those years here without going insane. "There you two are!" They both turned to see Elder Gartha smiling at them. "Why have we not awaken yet? Has something gone wrong?" Volkan asked.

"Nothing seems to be wrong with your physical body, Zulu is healing slower than I had expected but have hope. You both have been asleep for exactly one week and three days. Once you are awake, Demetria and Sage will be trialed for what they have caused."

"How many have we lost?" Gartha sighed. "Too many, we are looking for souls that are willing to take their place. We are rebuilding as well, many things are happening at once." Volkan wanted to ask about Zephyr but he decided to go against it. 

"Thank you for keeping us updated, I appreciate it." A thud sounded causing him to look at Zulu who was on laying the floor, fading in and out of the realm. She gasped deeply for air. Gartha smiled down at her.

"It looks like she is finally waking up." Relief bubbled in his chest as she slowly fade in his arms. "I will head back right away, I need to greet her when she opens her eyes. I will see you soon, Volkan, do not take long." Gartha departed the realm.

Volkan sat under a tree, alone, waiting to see her eyes, her smile and that weird face she makes when food tastes really good. He laughed at the memory with her.



Volkan placed the blue fish on her plate immediately receiving a disgusted face from Zulu. "I would not harm you, darling, please try it." He poured the spicy, red liquid on the fish as she cautiously held some of its meat near her mouth.

With another skeptical look, she placed it in her mouth, chewing the fish ever so slowly until she stopped. A gasped left her mouth as she scrunched her face up, savoring the taste but Volkan thought that she was having a reaction to the flesh.

Fear rushed through his body as he stood to his feet, the chair flying back. Servants rushed in in fear, trying to figure out what was happening. "This is so good!" Zulu cried, putting another piece in her mouth. A soft moan escaped her mouth before looking at Volkan who slowly sat in his seat, grabbing his head as he dismissed everyone. 

"Is something wrong?"

"Do you always make those painful expressions when something tastes good?" 

She looked at him confused. "What are you even talking about? What painful expression?" He pointed her face. "I thought you were having a reaction to the fish, I almost ripped the fish out of your mouth!" 

Zulu giggled at how stressed he looked. "I'm sorry, I'll try not to make that face." If the man could have a heart attack, he would have been dead. She tried feeding him piece of the fish but he rejected it immediately, loosing his taste for it.

Volkan huffed but gave her a smile small.


Zulu's eyes opened wide, looking around her surroundings. Her breathing was labored as she tried getting up but was laid back down by Elder Gartha. "Careful, Zulu, you died twice and have been laying down for more than a week without food or water."

She glanced at Gartha feeling slightly light headed but agreed. "Volkan?" Were the only words that came out her mouth. "He is still asleep he will be here soon." She nursed her some water, covering her slowly.

Artemis alongside Nemesis hugged their friend who was feeling much better. "How was it being dead?" Nemesis blurted out receiving a hit from Artemis. "How would you like to be stabbed twice? Of course it was horrible."

Zulu smiled at her friends. "It was peaceful but I was sad because I couldn't be here with you guys." She glanced at Volkan who was still asleep. Her friends realized what was going on and decided to give her some time to herself.

"Can you wake up? I miss your and your hugs and that weird nibble on my shoulder you do." She mumbled, holding his cold hand. "I wanna hear you call me 'darling' in that very sexy accent. I want to hear you growling too. I found it adorable."

She stopped, almost laughing at herself. She was talking to a man that couldn't hear her. "What am I even doing?"

"Please do not stop on my account, continue."

Her eyes met his dark ones as he gave a tired smile. "You think that my voice is sexy, darling?" His voice sounded gruff and dry from the lack of water. "You're awake!"

The joy she felt made her forget that she was slightly unwell as she jumped onto him, hugging him tight. "I see that I have been missed." Without another word, she passed her fingers through his hair that grew crazy long.

"Volkan-" Both their heads turned toward the door as Zephyr entered with a bucket filled with water and a cloth. They both looked at each other in silence before he walked to the side of the bed. "Forgive me, forgive me. I have been the -" Volkan shook his head. "I would like to forget everything that has happened."

"I- If that is what you want then very well."

He couldn't bring himself to forgive him but he needed to be forgiven as well. He slowly sat up with his lips near a cup. He looked at the love of his life as she gently fed him some water. Her big eyes focused on the cup, watching how much water he was drinking.

He grabbed her arm causing the cup to fall. She gasped at the quick movements as she was pulled into his arms. Volkan traced the side of her face lightly kissing her jaw. She immediately mesmerized.

"Let's go take a bath, shall we?"

"A-Are you feeling alright?"

His arms wrapped around her waist, kissing her neck softly. 

"I feel excellent."

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