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"This is beautiful!" Alina said to Demetria as they entered the sanctum. "Are you certain that I can be in here?" She hums walking away from her. Alina looked at the jewels in fascination until Demetria got back. "They really are beautiful but they are not to be touched." Alina looked up at her in suspicion. Demetria hid her hands behind her back with a sneaky smile. 

"What are you hiding behind your back?" The goddess laughed, showing her the gem behind her back. Alina gasped at the gem as it sparkled. "This is gorgeous. Is this my gift?" Demetria nods placing it in her hands. 

"Break it." Alina frowned, shaking her head. "It's to pretty to break." Demetria chuckled at the mortal in front of her. "It called the Burgeon Gem, once it breaks, the gem will multiply into many."

Alina was skeptical about it but she trusted her. She got on her knees and slammed the gem three times. Demetria smiled as the first crack formed. "It has a crack!" She laughed, using all her force this time.

The sanctum shook violently, throwing Alina to the floor fully. "What is going o-" She turned to Demetria who threw a dust in her eyes, blinding her temporarily. A cry escaped the girl's mouth, trying to rub it out her eyes.

"Why are you doing this to me?!" Demetria laughed. "You should have been with me instead but I will find a way to bring you back but as for now, you will have to wait." Alina should have known that this was a trap. The powder slowly seeped into her eyes, clouding her brain and memory

"Until we meet again."

The doors burst open revealing Zephyr and two guards at his side. "How the hell?!" He grabbed the stone from her hand seeing several cracks. The sacred gem. "How did you get in this place, mortal?!" He roared at her but she seemed disoriented.

"I asked you a question!" One of the guards pointed her face, grabbing a piece of the powder. Zephyr took it in his palm, smelling it. "Black magic, who and where did you get this?" He grabbed her face and his eyes widened in realization.

It was the girl Volkan was in love with. His heart clenched for him. "Why are here, Alina, why were you destroying the stone." He asked her more calmly. She looked at the man with teary eyes.

"I- I was trying to break the gem."

"Why were you trying to break it?"

"I-I do not know."

Demetria felt a tear escape her eyes but she wiped it away, disappearing from the scene.



Zulu fell to the floor, holding her injured arm, backing away from the night crawler. It stepped back, pouncing toward her but was torn apart in mid air by Volkan's beast. He was on all fours and he picked Zulu up by the end of her clothing.

He nudged her arm. "I'm fine." Was all she told him using her power to kill a demon that was running away toward Volkan's back. She glanced him before walking off. To say that she was exhausted would be an understatement.

She felt her body being drained slowly but she knew she couldn't give up when everyone was giving it their all. Her arm was aching but she knew she had to fight through it. "Zulu!!" 

She turned around too late. The demon was already aiming for her throat. She closed her eyes before the impact but nothing came. The ashes fell on her face, making her look up. 

They all turned to ashes. "What? What's happening?" She asked, looking around to fins Demetria looking at us in fear. She screamed at us before taking off into the dark. Without thinking, Zulu took off after her. She was pissed, the woman who welcomed her was trying to kill her and the man she loves. Demetria wasn't leaving this realm alive and that was a promise. 

"Zulu, stop!" Volkan shifted back, feeling a piece of cloth wrap around his waist. He chased after her, finding her scent quickly.

"Where are you, Demetria!?" She screamed into the night, hearing something shuffle behind her. Zulu turned to find her smiling at her . "You are one crazy bitch." She said softly seeing something shine in the moonlight.

Zulu's eyes glanced down and was met with a blade to the chest. "This will be over soon." Blood gushed out as she pulled it out.  She felt weak, her body crumbling to the floor, trying to stop the bleeding but it was no use.

"Close your eyes, my love." The last thing she saw was another figure stepping out from the dark with something in their hand.

Volkan's chest squeezed, his breathing stopped as he fell the floor, gasping for breath. His throat slowly closed up, blood ran from his eyes, ears, mouth and nose. He tried calling for help but blood shot out his mouth, falling to the floor. 

'Zulu' was his first thought, she was dying and he couldn't save her. He couldn't save the woman he loved.

Zephyr grabbed his chest. "Volkan! We must find them." Zephyr ran into the dark, searching frantically for his son but found him half dead on the floor. Tears immediately sprang from his eyes as he cradled his son in his arms. It felt like eternity since he was this close to him. 

Apollo sat next to them, trying to heal Volkan but it was useless. Nothing was healing him. Elder Gartha knelt in front of a dying Volkan, waving her hand over his chest, searching for the source. With shaky hands, her palm landed on her heart. 

"It was my sister, Sage. She is the witch helping Demetria, she is trying to enslave Volkan for her own wicked deeds. We have to find her before time runs out or we will never be able to stop her." Then everything clicked.

Zephyr frowned. "She has been using black magic because she knew that I would have found her without it." What were they to do now? Elder Gartha thought for a second before looking at her lover.

"Choke me."

His eyes widened with a slight blush on his face. "Are you insane woman?!" Nemesis nodded. "He is correct, this is not the time nor the place-" Aries cut her off. "It truly is not the place-" She rolled her eyes, placing his giant hand around her slender neck.

"Choke me just enough to go unconscious. I have to warn them before Zulu wakes up, if she does then Volkan will die." Zephyr was uncertain about this but he knew that she would never lead in astray. 

He looked away before gripped her neck as tight as he could, feeling her struggle against his palm. He didn't dare to look until he felt her become limp. He immediately cradled her body alongside Volkan. "Please let this work."

Sage smiled at Demetria. "Very well, even after your time was up, you were still able to finish your task so I will have mercy." She placed the necklace on her chest and a protective glow shun around her body. Demetria looked back at Zulu who was still unconscious. "Why is she still asleep?"

"Patience. She will be awake soon. Once she is fully awake, Volkan will be dead."



Zulu appeared in the familiar forest where she meets Alina but she was nowhere in sight. A giggle echoed in the air so she followed the sound and her feet immediately stopped. She hid behind the tree, looking at them bond.

Volkan held his son in his arms while Alina smiled on. "Are you going to come out of hiding or do I have to pretend that I do not see you?"

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