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Zulu's Pov

It was so cold. It was freezing actually. We rode these creatures that looked like horses but were bigger and a lot more scary. "We head to Mount Granish, we will meet the first portal. It is at least three days journey." Zephyr instructed to the gods and deities that were among us. 

Nemesis and Artemis joined the trip as well. They said that they didn't want to leave me alone with a bunch of men which made me smile.

Volkan was at the back, he refused to be amongst the rest of us. He thought that they would change their minds if he came to close to them. With the warnings that were said, we were finally off. As everyone rode off, I stayed behind for Volkan.

"Is there a problem with your stag?" He questioned. "No." I simply replied. "Then why have you stopped?" I innocently blinked at him. "I stopped because I wanted a companion to ride with."

I saw the small twist on his pink lips. He was about to smile but he forced it down. At least his mood was better. "I cannot protect you from behind here. You need to stay between the gods." I could tell it irritated him that he was powerless but he didn't want to show it.

"I am fine right here. Now let's catch up with everyone." I knew he enjoyed the little company but I wasn't going to tell him that. 


I thought that this was going to be fun and adventurous. If I knew that it was going to be like this, I would have stayed my black ass at the castle. It has been at least twelve hours and my butt went numb a few hours ago. It was around mid day so we had a lot of light to burn.

A hand appeared in my face, holding a sparkle in his hand which immediately captured my attention. It made a noise similar to dripping water. "It's called a Snite. They come out around this time, soaking the energy the sun provides then it feed it to the plants that cannot reach the sunlight. Very harmless might I add."

"They're so beautiful." He gently placed it in my hand as I played with it. This was the most fun I've had on this stupid trip. "Those over there-" He pointed to leaved on the tallest tree. "They are not leaves but flaints. In your world it would be called a fairy?"

He hopped off the creature, picking up a pebble off the floor. He threw it at the tree causing them to scatter into the air. A small chuckle escaped my lips as he hopped back on. "That absolutely stunning. How do you know so much? I thought you never left the castle?"

"I was once adventurous. Alin-" He stopped himself immediately. "Continue, I wanna know." He cleared his throat before speaking. "Alina was always wanted to explore but she was not very wealthy. When we met, she told me about all the adventures she wanted to do." His eyes shifted to the side.

"I despised the outdoors but she loved it, I was willing to do anything to make her smile. So I learnt every creature in the book for her, their weaknesses, strengths, if they were poisonous, venomous, anything and everything."

"I surprised her for her birthday and planned an exposition for us, to make her dream come true and to impress her with my knowledge." He frowned at the thought. "Then I fell deeply in love with her. I wanted her to have everything she ever needed and wanted. I marked the journeys that she adored the most and-"

He paused. "Hey, if you don't feel comfortable telling me then you don't have to." This may have been more then one hundred years ago but he never healed from it. "I built a home at each of the sights she adored the most. She would visit them any time she wanted."

My heart felt completely heavy at the thought. "Sadly, she only had the opportunity to use it one time, before-" She was killed.

"Have you ever seen the homes after that?" He shook his head. "No, I did not have the courage to do so."


The sun started going down and the screeching sounds echoed. That didn't sound too safe. "There is a clearing a few miles ahead, we will camp there for the night." A few minutes later, we met the clearing and they started putting up their camps. 

We were supposed to bring tents?! I only packed clothes. "Let me help you." His hands held mine as he helped me off the horse. My back ached, my ass aches, my neck ached, my legs have never been that far apart in so long.

With a soft chuckle, his hands landed on my hips. "Close your legs, Zulu." I looked down to find my legs open like I was still riding the creature. Artemis and Nemesis walked up to us. "So how was your first time?" Nemesis asked me.

"I can't feel my ass right about now but-" I glanced at Volkan who had walked away to find a spot to place the tent. "It was slightly fun. How about you guys? You were so far up, I couldn't see you." Artemis rolled her eyes.

"We were near Aries and Hachima. They were comparing strengths the entire ride." I smiled at them. "Artemis! Nemesis!" Apollo called. "We are going with Apollo to get us something to eat. We will be right back."

"Do not miss me!" Nemesis called out, running off. She was so dramatic.

"The beast went into hiding already?" I turned, finding a tent on the other end of the clearing, away from everyone. It made me feel slightly sad but I understood why he did it. "Can we get through the night without starting something unnecessary?" Zephyr asked, slightly annoyed.

"It was just an observation. I would not dare start something." Eros stated. Mari started a bond fire, slightly annoyed herself. "I came on this journey for a solution, not problems. Keep your unwanted statements and observations to yourself."


They soon came back and started roasting the deer like creatures that they captured. I was starving right about now. "I cannot be near that ignorant god any longer. I almost impaled his behind with this stick." Mari stated coming near me.

Nemesis and Artemis soon joined. "I would love to assist you in such activities." Nemesis answered, causing her to chuckle. "It is wonderful to have females on this journey, I thought I would go insane with all this masculinity." She glanced at me with a smile.

"I am Mari, goddess of Dreams. You must be Zulu, goddess of the moon." She placed her hand out. "It's nice to meet you." Artemis didn't look pleased with her here but I wasn't going to bring that up.

Meals were distributed amongst us but Volkan didn't come out for any. "You know that he won't leave that tent until we are ready to leave." Artemis spoke softly. There was a high chance that he wasn't going to be partaking in any of the meals.

I grabbed an extra serving dish, taking some of the food for him. I was going to get him to eat one way or another.

"Why give him anything? He should starve-" I was really getting tired of hearing Eros for one night. I was not a violent person but this man was pissing me off. "Hey Eros, why don't you go make your mouth really useful and suck Aries' cock?"

Shock and anger formed on his face. Hachiman boomed with laughter along with the rest of the gods. Aries didn't find it very amusing but I didn't care. Eros hit Hachiman, signaling him to shut up but he was rolling on the floor. Apollo chuckled at display.

I took mine and his to his tent. Entering, my mouth dropped. There was a queen sized mattress, a shower, a small fire in the center of the room, a pillow stack, shaped as a couch. What the hell was this?

"You should not have brought anything, I am fine." I turned to him, almost dropping the plates. This man wore nothing but a cloth around his waist. His man bun fell, his hair dropping to his  ass, abs, those yummy abs. His muscles tensed, his jaw clenched. 

"Fuck me."

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