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I was ready to rip the walls apart. Where could she have gone? Did she wake up? "I have found her! She's in the pantry!!" The pantry? Heading to the third floor, a maid had a very amused smile. "It looks like she was hungry, my lord." Inching around the corner, I couldn't help me smile. She had a piece of cheese and bread in her mouth.

"Sorry, I was looking for you when I woke up but you weren't there, then I found this place so I stayed."

 The maid quietly left us. Her big, brown eyes looked into mine before giving her a gentle hug. "I'm sorry if I scared you." She mumbled in my chest. "No, no I am sorry that this ever happened to you in the first place. It was my fault." Her little hands rubbed my back.

"Are you crying?" I growled at her assumption. "No, I am not." Her giggles caused me to smile. Her hands wiped my face as gently as she could. "I do not blame you so do not blame yourself, I know the past that you have had and what kind of friend would I be to hold it against you?"


Zulu's Pov

He looked so lost. I refused to tell him what I dreamt about. Imagine how hurt he would be if he had found out the woman he was so in love with was seeing someone else. "I was so terrified. When Apollo healed you, you weren't getting up and I thought that it was too late." He was just mumbling now.

"Come on, I'm fine, let's eat something and finish where we started off." He nodded before taking the bread and cheese out. "We can have it there, if you want?" That sounds better. "Sure, just let me get ready and we can go.

I took the quickest shower putting on an African print dress and black flats. Opening the door, there he was, waiting for me. He looked like he was in deep thought. "I'm ready to go if you are." He snapped out of his trance before opening a portal, entering the garden.

"So...Volkan." He grinned at me before looking away. Was this man blushing right now? "It really does fit you. It rolls of the tongue perfectly." He gave me some food and water to wash it down. "So does, Zulu." It should be illegal for this man to even say my name."

I immediately forgot to chew the food, choking on the bread. His arms gently rubbed my back. "Are you alright? Please drink some water." That would have been a dumb way to die.

'How did you die?'

'Oh, nothing really, a sexy god with a man bun, muscles for days and the sexiest smile alive, said my name in a deep voice causing me to choke on a piece of bread.'

Imagine how embarrassing that would be.

"That would be very embarrassing, indeed."

Now I have to choke myself. "Please pretend that you didn't hear anything." His darks eyes held amusement in them but then he frowned. "What? Did something happen again?" He shook head. "No, I would like to ask you something and will like you to be honest." Why was he so serious all of a sudden? "Sure, what do you want to know?"

"Do you miss your life back on earth?" What? Do I? I didn't have any friends, my family was involved in my marriage ending, I was looked at as ugly and unwanted. People pitied me, the only thing that I was looking forward to was death.

"No, no, I don't miss it. I'm happy here. Why did you ask me that?" His mouth pulled in a tight line.  "I visited earth during the period of your unconsciousness. Your former family to be more specific. Your sister is pregnant and married to your former husband."

My throat tightened to this news. "W-What?" Married? He married her? "I knew I shouldn't have told you." Why was I so hurt? "I just thought that he would have waited like a year to move on or something. I knew that he didn't love me but it still hurts." Tears slipped out my eyes no matter how much I tried to stop them. 

"It is not your fault. He did not know how to appreciate a good woman when he had it." He mumbled. He gave her what I couldn't. "Thank you, Volkan, that's really sweet." He frowned at me. "So why are you still crying?" His fingers brushed against my chubby face. "He finally got the child that I couldn't give him."

His arms wrapped around my body, brining his chest close to my face. "He was so obsessed with me losing weight that he starved me and made me take these dieting pills. I didn't know that I was pregnant while doing all of this. 

My womb rotted and I ended up in the hospital. There was nothing could have been done and it had to be removed." I hated that I cried for everything. I wish I could just throw things over my shoulder and not care about it but it hurts me.

"A year and three months have passed. Time does not run the same way on earth as it does here. What feels like two days here could be three months on earth." Looking up at me, he glanced at me. "Why haven't you told me that before? I thought it was the same. You know what forget it, it just came out up."

"If it makes you feel any better, you're the pretty sister."

I began laughing at him and I couldn't stop. He was too sweet sometimes. "What was so funny? You are." I started laughing even harder which made him chuckle. "I do not understand you sometimes."

Volkan's Pov

She looked so beautiful in my arms. Her bright smile, her beautiful brown eyes, her curly hair bounced and she was here with me. "Thank you, Volkan. I really appreciate what you said." She wiped her tears away from her eyes.

We have to find whoever is trying to kill her before it's too late. I can't lose her, the way I feel about her is stronger than before but I am uncertain of the way she feels about me. One day but not right now.

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