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Zulu's Pov

Our two days were finally up and it was time to move on. The place was a literal frozen city. The temperatures were so low, I saw my breath. Volkan made us ride one horse so he could radiate his heat on my body.

"We need to get a move on! We need to get to the Dead River by night fall, the next portal is on the other side."


Third Person's Pov

"You can just write me a letter next time." The witch mumbled. "It has been one month and two weeks. They will be back soon and as soon as they land, we will sound war on them."


"Is that what you came all the way here to announce? Could this not wait?"

"You really are the worst person to strike a deal with."

"Yes but no one else wanted to help you so what choice did you really have?"

"I am leaving."

"Oh joy."


Volkan's Pov

Sunlight burnt quickly but we were nowhere in the safe zone. Something has been following us since we entered the portal but it is by itself. I am not sure what it was but it was waiting for something.

I rode in front to warn Zephyr but he was already aware of it. Aries tensed, looking around his surroundings.

Whatever it was, it was blending into the darkness very well, my beast could not find it anywhere. "Why can't we attack it? It is only one of them." Aries spoke.

"One that I can sense. We do not know how many are out there. Just stay alert."  Apollo frowned. "What do you mean sense? Zephyr, did you give Volkan back his powers?" Zephyr stayed quiet, confirming his question. "I knew danger would get worse as we continued our journey. We need him, like it or not."

Artemis realized that something was off. "Zulu, come up here for a second." I was grateful for a actions. I didn't want to scare her.




A screech echoed through the, birds flew through the air ,making the sky darker. The trees rustled back and forth.

"We kill every last one of them." Aries arms was set ablaze, forming his sword. In fear, the stags took off running but one didn't make it very far as a demon jumped out the dark, ripping it in half. Dark blood flew everywhere.

One by one the jumped out, fighting each other for the meat. "Shadow demons." Hachiman whispered. Shadow demons come out at night and feast on whatever they find. They are stealthy, fast and annoyingly strong. They're claws can cut a tree down with one swipe.

"Nemesis!" Aries cried out running past her, it was too fast for him, he only sliced the demon's leg off. It screams in pain, alerting the others. This is not good.

Before we knew it, we were surrounded by them, drool pooled around their mouths, their body fidgeting , waiting for one of us to make a move. "There are too many of them." Apollo stated, his body tensed with anger.

"What should we do?" Zulu whispered, her body shook slightly against mine, looking at the monsters.


Protect Zulu.

My beast was itching to escape and kill them for frightening Zulu. "Volkan, be calm-"

Third Person's Pov

Volkan's monster broke free, causing a frenzy amongst the demons. "Dammit, Volkan!" Aries said, beheading one of them. Nemesis eyes glowed a dark light, ripping the demon apart. Artemis used her arrows she pried from the stag before they took off.

The gold arrow pierced the demon, causing them to shrivel up, turning to ashes.

Zulu felt useless as everyone was in battle and she had no clue what to do. Her eyes landed on Volkan, seeing three demons latched on to his body, he was having a hard time getting them off him. Another one clamped down on his leg, causing him to cry out in pain but that didn't stop him.

All he does was protect her and she couldn't do the same. It angered Zulu. She was not weak and fragile. She was strong and bold.

Protect Volkan.


A gasped spilled out her mouth, feeling something bubble in her stomach. The moon shone extremely bright over Zulu. A demon stalked behind her, raising its claw, swiping down.

Volkan turned in that exact moment, seeing what was about to happen. 


He felt so much fear that he thought he was going to die.

His beast roared, signaling Zulu to watch. Her eyes snapped out and the demon fell.

It was dead.

Silver light shone around her hand, her eyes shone a light like the moon. 

Protect Volkan.

"Ukufa." (Die) The words rolled off her tongue perfectly causing them to drop one by one. 

"Ngeke ulimaze indoda engiyithandayo" (You will not hurt the man that I love.) A few more had dropped dead, causing some to retreat.

Volkan was beyond shock. "You did not tell me she could do that!" Eros mumbled to him, in shock himself. Nemesis gwaked at Zulu, watching as they all retreated back into the dark.

Her powers concealed themselves into her as she realized that they were gone.


Everyone was in great shock, even Zulu. She didn't know she had that in her. All she had to do was think about protecting Volkan.

Volkan walked toward her disoriented state. "You were wonderful, Zulu." A small smile formed on her face before she passed out.


Zulu's Pov

I stood in a familiar forest, wearing a white gown. Please tell me that I didn't die. "No, you are still alive, thankfully." Alina spoke, poking her head from behind the tree. "Oh, so why am I here again? No offense."

Alina shrugged. "To be very honest, I have no clue as to why you spirit traveled here." She walked up for me with a small smile. "But the company is appreciated." Tiny footsteps were heard coming this way, capturing my attention. "What's that?"

Alina smiled, moving out of the way, showing a tiny child with big black eyes, black hair and pale skin. The little boy held a smile on his face, hiding behind her leg. He looked so familiar. "Who is this little man?" I spoke with a smile on my face.

"His name was Legion. He did not make it in the world, he had passed away centuries ago." She picked the child up, placing him on her hips. "He's my son." My body shut down.

She was pregnant when she died.

"I-I don't know what to say. I am truly sorry." She smiled at me. "You are not to blame, Zulu." This poor child didn't even get to meet his father.

"How are things over there?" She asked. "Too much, someone's trying to have me killed, we got attacked by shadow demons, Mari is trying to steal Volkan away from me and now I found out he had a child."

"What do you mean someone is trying to have you killed? Zulu that cannot happen, you cannot die." She placed Legion down and he scampered around. "What do you mean? Of course I can but only if a god does it."

She frowned at me. "No, Zulu, that is not what I mean." So it was a lie? "Then what do you mean?"

"I mean, if you die then so will Volkan."

"I thought you said that only the love of his li-"

"You are the love of his life, Zulu. You cannot die or so will he."

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