Part 39 - Becoming a Millionaire

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With everything finally in place, Y/n helped Gen rally up everyone to see the grand opening of the new clothing line created by Yuzuriha in a shockingly short amount of time. Y/n stood in front of the crowd, Gen being her back up in case she needed help. 

"Alright, everyone!" She projected her voice across to the crowd, she had surprisingly grown more confident at public speaking since the last time. "We're here today to announce two very exciting events! So, as you all know, our amazing Yuzuriha is an absolute goddess when it comes to crafts, and she's finally had a chance to let her talents shine, as well as something worthwhile you'll be able to spend your hard earned dragos on!"

She paused to listen to the excited murmurs in the small crowd, waiting for it to settle down slightly to continue.

"But, before that! I myself have had my own project I've been working on, which I think I'll let Gen here share," she turned to him, smiling. Gen gave her a little wink before clearing his throat, smiling to the crowd. It was no surprise how natural he looked talking to the crowd, as though he were all their personal friends. Then again, he had hosted a TV show back in the modern world.

"Thank you, Y/n darling~! Our talented historian here has been working on a information headquarters, which in itself is already an exciting thing, being the first building of its kind to exist in the stone world~ Because of this, she's decided to name it after one of you lucky people in the crowd here, since the person whose name is given to this incredibly important building will be known throughout history as a hero who aided in the revival of humanity!"

There were more excited murmurs in the crowd, which made Y/n beam at Senku, who had been watching off to the side. She had made it a point not to tell him her plan, mostly as a way of teasing him, but from his expression she could tell that he had figured out what she had been doing, and seemed impressed by it. He gave her a cool reassuring smile and a thumbs up, filling her with pride. 

"All that being said, the only fair way to decide who this honorable title should go to is by a raffle! Everyone gets one free ticket, but if they decide they want to spend more of their hard earned dragos for a place in history, they can buy as many tickets as they want for the small price of 1,000 dragos! There is a limit on the amount of tickets we have, unfortunately, so come get your tickets before they run out! After the grand opening of Yuzuriha's new surprise in the Senku department store, we'll count up all the tickets and declare the winner this time tomorrow!"

By this point, the crowd was buzzing with thrill and anticipation, to which Gen flamboyantly finished off the introduction and let Yuzuriha present her new line of clothing. After her poetic descriptions of her designs, everyone was rushing to buy their tickets and clothing. Y/n thanked everyone who bought tickets, which turned out to be a lot more work than she thought would be.

 Fortunately, Gen had assumed the role of her assistant, writing down the number of tickets which and names of the people that bought tickets. Y/n was grateful to have him, otherwise she might've died from the exhaustion of greeting and keeping track of customers. 

Eventually, the time came where Ryuusui came to buy his tickets after completely buying out mot of Yuzuriha's store. By this point, Y/n had sold almost one hundred tickets, which she was quite pleased with. Most people who had bought were only willing to buy a few tickets along with a free one, or simply couldn't afford it. As Ryuusui walked towards them with all his shopping bags in hand, Senku blocked Y/n's view of him, catching her off guard.

"What, you wanted to buy tickets before Ryuusui?" Y/n smirked, to which Senku chuckled, the same snake-like grin on his face.

"Exactly. If you'll accept the payment later, I'll get this fool to buy out all your tickets for double the price. Just watch."

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