Part 2 - Senku

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It all came rushing in at once. An angry tidal wave of emotion, a roaring orchestra of feelings. She collapsed on the ground, sobbing tears of mixed emotion. Mostly relief, as she was now no longer alone, but also confusion, since she wasn't ever sure how she herself broke out. Either way, she was overwhelmed, and couldn't help but sit on the ground, crying.

Instead of helping her up or comforting her, the boy just stood there, looking thoroughly unimpressed, and if anything, bored. Y/n sobbed for a while before she slowly regained her composure and stood up, wiping her eyes. She looked at the boy, ecstatic, relieved, and confused.

"Are you done?" He asked, to which Y/n nodded. "Good. Like I said, the day is May 28, 5738. I don't know how long you've been unpetrified, but judging by your reaction, you've been alone for a while. Were you trapped in stone for the last 3700 years?"

Y/n swallowed. What kind of question was that? She hadn't even considered the thought of her being petrified. The very thought sent a shiver down her spine. To her, it almost sounded like she had looked Medusa in the eye. But the more important question was: why was that the first question he asked? Surely, he'd be worried? But no, he seemed purely and utterly logical to the very core. Y/n wasn't sure she'd like him very much. She took a deep breath. Indulging in emotion now, of all times, wouldn't be efficient, as it hadn't been for the last three years.

"I... think so. I was trapped in a dark void for what felt like forever. When I woke up, stone shards fell off of me in pieces. I felt... much better? I had back pain... before. But ever since I woke up, it's been gone."

"So you were petrified like me. How long have you been awake?"

"Three years."

"...How'd you wake up before me?"

"Excuse me?"

"I've only been up for about two months, but I can only assume that the 'stone' was some kind of mineral casing that sustained us for thousands of years. Your brain activity actually burns calories, so if you were awake the entire time, like I was, you should've broken out two months ago. Then again, there were times I almost lost consciousness, but even then..."

"Well... I never got tired? I don't really know why..."


"I guess I was just scared? I mean, who wouldn't be? I was half convinced I was dead," Y/n said, slightly embarrassed. Admitting it out loud made it sound so silly, "I just recounted a bunch of stories I read over and over again to keep my sanity... what did you do?"

"I counted," the boy said, as if it were as easy as brushing his teeth in the morning. "All while contemplating how to break out. I purposefully broke out in the spring so I'd have time to prepare for the winter. Now, I actually need help back at my lab, so you'll come with me."

Y/n wouldn't admit it, but she was shocked. Seriously, who was this kid? The fact that he had the nerve to order her around in such a way... it ticked her off, even if she was happy to see him. Then again, he was probably a spoiled rich kid. She sighed.

"Alright, just let me pack a bag with my things. How far is it?"

"Just a few hours walk. Pack lightly though, can't afford to have you passing out on me."


Y/n walked back to her campsite, as she liked to call it, and set her spear and net inside. The boy followed her, curious to see everything she had set up. As she started packing a bag with some extra clothes, the irritating boy walked around her camp, inspecting it.

"This is all you've built in three years?"

"Yes," she replied, rather stiffly. It was hard enough for her to survive, it wasn't like she had time to build any other structures. He chuckled. 

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