Part 6 - Girl

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Once Tsukasa was gone, Senku cursed.

"Dammit. This thing was supposed to shoot at over 200 km/h. He's gotta be some kind of monster, and in this stone world, he's invincible. We're gonna have to progress civilization. There's only one way left to stop Tsukasa..."

"Smartphones...?" Taiju asked, having woken up.

"You really love your damn smartphones."

"I thought you needed several days to recover...." Yuzuriha said. Taiju jumped up.

"Nah, I'm all fine, see?!"

"If he can survive a kick from Tsukasa, I think he can survive anything..." Y/n chimed in, still astounded at his superhuman durability. 

"You three are getting off topic! What we need is a gun!" Senku said, mimicking one with his hand. "That means we'll need gun powder."

Back in the treehouse, Senku had started breaking all the pots, scattering the shards around. Y/n gasped in surprise as she walked in on Senku wreaking havoc on the small house.

"Senku, what are you doing?!"

"Setting a scene to make it look like we're fled with nothing but food... that Tsukasa scared us." He said, slightly out of breath from all the work. "As long as we're successful in making gunpowder, we'll win! If Tsukasa finds us out before we do, it's game over!"

The four of them packed several bags of food before setting off. Senku gave Y/n an odd look, and she did have an idea why. He almost seemed to be asking where Val was. Y/n shook her head. She couldn't really carry Val with the distance they were going, and she would be safer from Tsukasa that way. Senku nodded, looking back at the other two.

"All right! Since we need materials to make gunpowder, we need to head to Hakone, a mountain with sulfuric springs! It just 80 kilometers away!"

"80 kilometers... that's like two full marathons. We can make it in five hours, right?"

"...Only an idiot with your stamina could."

Using a tool Senku explained to be a sextant, which gave them their exact location, Senku tried to navigate them throughout the day. Eventually, they got lost, until Yuzuriha found the statue of the Buddha, which got them back on track. After a scientific explanation as to why it was still standing (ruining Taiju and Yuzuriha's magical moment as to why it was still standing), the four were back on their way to Hakone.

After several days of travel, they ended up crossing a river. It was Y/n's first time seeing her reflection in years. She still had her e/c eyes and h/c hair, but there were cracks on her face, just like Senku and Taiju's. In the middle of her cheek, there were several small cracks, almost looking like stripes. She smiled. It looked badass.

"Y/n! Keep up!"


Before she knew it, they had reached their goal, and even found several hot springs. After settling down, the four sank down in a hot spring which they divided by gender, relaxing. Y/n sat next to Yuzuriha, hissing slightly at the hot water. On the other side of the divider, she could hear Senku and Taiju get in as well.

"This exhaustion recovery formula.. really does the trick!" Yuzuriha said, giggling. Y/n smiled, leaning into the warmth of the hot spring.

"Yeah, it sure does."

"Well, it's the first time we've bathed in 3,700 years!" Taiju exclaimed from the other side of the barrier. Y/n wrinkled her nose.

"Eww, you're right!"

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