25 - Killing Time

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After bidding the phone team goodbye, the four that had come to capture Homura headed back to the Ishigami village, rather exhausted themselves. After getting back to the Kingdom of Science, Kohaku and Kinrou went back to the village with Homura while Y/n and Senku worked in the observatory.

After setting up the cell phone again, Senku came over and sat next to Y/n, who was catching up on the last few day's events, since she didn't have the chance to before. Y/n didn't look up as she spoke, more focused on her writing.

"Are you out of things to work on, or just bored?"

"It's the latter," Senku sighed. Y/n looked up and smiled, closing her notebook.

"Well then, let's do something fun."

"Don't you have to finish that entry?"

"Unlike you, I am neither a workaholic nor a perfectionist. I can come back to it later," Y/n yawned, standing up. "So, what do you want to do? It's not like there's that much to do.."

"Heh, you're right. It's winter, so it's not like we can stay outside for too long..."

"Then let's make a blanket fort!"

"What? Are you five?"

"Yes, now let's do it! It'll be fun," Y/n grabbed some blankets off the shelves and tossed them to Senku, who barely managed to catch it. "I'm going to bring some lightbulbs."

After retrieving some necessary fort-building items from the storage room downstairs, she saw Senku trying to figure out the most logical way to build the fort. She had to admit— it was pretty funny how Senku overthought everything. She set down the blankets and started to unfold one.

"Alright! I have some lights, blankets, and rope! I think we can hang up a blanket right here," Y/n said, tying one end of the thick blanket to a shelf. Senku sighed.

"Y/n, that's probably the worst place to put it. If you hang it there, it'll ten billion percent collapse—"

"Shhh! If it falls, we'll just build it differently. No science, just trial and error! It makes the fort more rewarding."

"If you say so..."

After roughly half an hour of hanging up blankets, setting up pillows, then having it collapse and having to start all over again, the two finally made a small, but cozy, blanket fort facing the observatory window. It was in the center of the room, being hung from the ceiling, with several pillows and blankets on the floor for added comfort. 

The sun was just beginning to set as Y/n hung up the giant light bulbs and turned them on, collapsing inside the fort with exhaustion. Senku was already inside the tent, looking out at the stars. He chuckled to himself.

"I gotta hand it to you, Y/n, this was fun, if pointless."

"Nah, that was hard work. This is the fun part," she smiled as she sat back up. "And it's not all that pointless! It cured your boredom, didn't it?"

"Fair enough."

Y/n grinned as she leaned back on her hands, staring at the sunset. She glanced at Senku, who had been staring at the sky as well. His pretty red eyes almost seemed to glow with the lights... Y/n blinked as she noticed Senku looking at her, smiling after a moment before looking back.

"What the hell was that?!" Y/n asked indignantly, sitting upright to give him a stern look. Senku didn't look at her, but responded, still smiling.

"What was what?"

"You just looked at me and smiled! You'be never done that! Did I look stupid or something?!"

"Huh? Don't worry about it."

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