27 - Steam Gorilla

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The entire night and day after Senku made the announcement, he spent his time shut in the observatory, working on blueprints for the car. Y/n struggled to understand the complex blueprints of the automobile, which gave her time to focus on her writing. 

After catching up on daily events in immense detail, and even including special profiles for each and every person in the village, she felt satisfied with her work. She set her small notebook in a pocket in her coat, she climbed up to the storehouse to check on Senku, bringing a bowl of hot ramen for both of them.

Inside, Senku was staring at some blueprints, occasionally drawing on them. Though he likely hadn't slept or eaten in the last day, he looked eager and energetic. Y/n set a bowl next to him, smiling. It was kind of cute to see him so excited over something. Careful not to step on any blueprints, she sat down nearby on a small, empty patch of floor.

"Aren't you gonna eat?" She asked before happily taking a bite of noodles. Senku brought a finger to his lips in a shushing gesture before waving a hand at her to join him. Y/n set aside her bowl to join him, carefully brushing aside some other blueprints so she could lie down on her stomach next to him. 

"Isn't it amazing? I was going to wait to build it again, but we're finally gonna have cars! Look, I'm planning on using an oscillating engine for this, and making a steam engine for the locomotive out of the ove—"

"As happy as it makes me to see you so passionate, I have no idea what you're talking about. Oh, and also, you need to eat," Y/n grinned, taking the blueprint in front of him to replace it with the bowl. He sat up, somewhat disgruntled, before taking the ramen. 

"I was almost finished..."

"Mhmm, that's what you said two hours ago when I came to check on you. And the two hours before that...."

"That's because designing a car takes a lot of planning. I keep finding mistakes, and I can't waste resources on trial and error cars," Senku crossed his arms, the same logical gaze accompanying his words. Y/n swallowed a bite of her food, then grinned.

"Yeah, no, you just wanna play with cars. Fortunately for you, so do I. Tell me how it works," Y/n set aside her half empty bowl of ramen to inspect the blueprint she took from Senku, only to see a bunch of complex shapes with several complicated equations written on the side. She then rolled it up and set it aside. "Never mind, I don't understand a damn thing on this paper."

"Well, actually, it's pretty simple..."

"Shhh, I don't want a long explanation. Just please eat and finish the blueprints so we can make this thing already."

By the next morning, Senku had already finished the blueprints for the car. Everyone stood around several large pieces of paper, trying to decipher what the drawings meant. It made Y/n's head spin.

"You're... really pumped up about this, huh Senku?" Gen said weakly, not even trying to understand the mess Senku had put on paper. Senku chuckled and pointed at a blueprint.

"Yup! Now, we'll be going with this. It'll be ten billion times more primitive than modern day cars, but that's to be expected. We'll be using an oscillating engine!"

"You act like any of us knows what that means..."

After carving a wax candle into small, detailed parts, and repurposing an oven, Senku proceeded to explain how it actually worked. Y/n, as per usual, zoned out because it was too difficult for her to wrap her head around. While Gen and Kohaku seemed like-minded with her in this situation, Kaseki and Senku got fired up over the idea of a car.

"They sure are pumped up," Gen said meekly. Kohaku had her hands on her hips, clearly not amused with their geek out session. 

"You two have completely forgotten the whole point of this project. We need to rescue Chrome!" She exclaimed with irritation. Senku stopped explaining the oscillating engine to Kaseki for a moment, looking over at Kohaku.

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