Part 44 - Epitasis

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Kaseki and Minami stylishly got out from the car, and if Y/n didn't know better, she'd think they were ridiculously powerful and rich. She was in awe as the older man greeted them all coolly, posed with one hand in his pocket.

"Cool, right? I think I'll be wearing these from now on," Kaseki remarked, turning his focus to Senku. "Now then, what did you call me here to make...?"

Unfortunately for Kaseki's new suit, it ripped as soon as Senku whispered in his ear, his muscles flexed to the point the thin fabric of the suit couldn't hold up. Y/n turned away when Senku relayed the plan to Kaseki, she knew all too well what would happen.

After startled reactions from the rest of the team, Kaseki immediately got to work on the project... after thankfully obtaining new clothes. Despite feeling a little vexatious about how open she had been with Senku the previous night, she decided to work with him and Chrome all the same, listening to Senku's explanation as she jotted down notes. With all that had happened the past few days, she had forgotten to record it.

"So, by mixing together some sodium hydroxide, silver, and ammonia," Senku expounded, taking a glass pane and dipping it into the mixture of chemicals, "We dip this into our fun little concoction, add some fruit sugar as our secret ingredient, and voila!"

He pulled the glass out of the mixture, holding it up in front of Chrome's face as he revealed a mirror. Chrome gasped, in awe at seeing his own face so clearly for the first time. Y/n giggled, the villagers' reactions to what she considered such mundane things was entertaining. Senku wiped off one side of the glass and pasted a thin wood backing.

"We just have to glue some carbon to the back of it, and now the silver plating won't peel!" Senku handed the mirror for Y/n to see. She saw her own reflection, which looked slightly older than the last time she had seen her reflection in a mirror, which was roughly 3700 years ago. She grinned.

"Damn, I aged well. I'm suuuper hot for being almost four thousand years old," Y/n smirked, her smolder looking goofy as she stared at herself in the mirror. It got a laugh out of Senku and gave her a warm fuzzy feeling, so it was worth it. 

After making a few more mirrors, Y/n handed a few out to the other village people to get their reactions to the strange tools. Minami noticed this, and put her hands on her hips, somewhat irritated.

"A mirror is nice, but it's not what I want! You said a tool of my trade," she protested to Senku, who held up the glass. 

"Well, about that... This mirror is actually film," he announced, perking up the ears of all the modern people as the real project of the day hit them.

"You don't mean..?" Minami's eyes went big, her face expectant as Y/n handed Senku a wooden box. He then proceeded to place the mirror inside the box, talking about his actions as he went.

"We put the film in this box, which functions as a dark room, then pour salt water in the hole here. Then finally, we drain the liquid... and we've finished preparing the film."

Senku lifted up the box, which he revealed to have a glass lens on one side. It was a handheld camera, and while bulky and would definitely produce images with laughable quality compared to modern cameras, it was still an amazing feat. Y/n felt a little emotional as she saw Minami hug the camera, dropping to her knees as she started to cry with joy. 

"Thank you... thank you!! I'll definitely help record this new world... this beautiful new world, rebuilding civilization from scratch..!!"

Though Minami's role was extremely close to Y/n's, she didn't feel upset by it at all. If anything, she was excited to have help recording the new world, with photos now. She also wouldn't have to document things daily, which had started to become a burden. Either way, working with Minami in the future was something to look forward to.

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