Part 35- A New Era

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Y/n's mind raced as she and Senku stood on top of a rock in the former Tsukasa Empire, facing the entire Ishigami village and Tsukasa empire put together. Simply put: it was a large crowd. Around a hundred and fifty people, Y/n estimated.

The science team chatted amongst themselves for a few minutes with Gen and Senku as the rest of the crowd could be heard talking amongst themselves, a loud, yet quiet sea of murmurs. Y/n shuffled through some flashcards she had made. Gen, being the sly man he was, had insisted that Y/n speak to the crowd along with Senku, and much to her misfortune, Senku had agreed. She had never been a good public speaker, but this was almost overwhelming. Her mind felt like it was racing, but somehow blank at the same time.

"Ahem!" Senku exclaimed, hushing everyone all at once somehow. Well, that was the impression a leader like Senku would leave on everyone, she would imagine. Still, it was admirable. "Is everyone here? Good, we need to get started. Y/n."

He turned to her, and Y/n fumbled with her cards a little before biting her lip and shoving them in her pocket.

"Um..! Alright! So, around 3700 years ago, humanity was petrified by a mysterious blast of light. We don't know how or where it came from, all we know is that it turned humanity to stone, and obviously, we had the power to revive people," As she spoke, she felt like she gained some confidence. "This is why we must find the source of the petrification. Whoever, or whatever petrified humanity, it would be over for sure if they attacked again. This is why we will waste no time in doing everything in our power to obtain this weapon. But, er, I'll let Senku continue."

"The historian is right. Once we find this mystery weapon, we'll exploit it and use it to heal Tsukasa. In order to do that though, we'll have to travel to the other side of the world, where the source of the petrification light originated from."

Several gasps were heard throughout the crowd, but Magma clapped his hands on Senku's face, cackling.

"BWA HA HA! Have you finally snapped, Senku?! You'd fall right off the other side of the Earth and die for sure! Don't tell me you didn't know that much?!"

From across the crowd, Y/n saw a short man with spiky hair looking at the ground, stifling a laughing fit. Looking at him unamused, she watched as he suddenly looked back up, completely serious. He had a piece of stone covering his eye, and Y/n recognized him. Unfortunately, Chrome had warned her about this man: Yo, a perhaps even more sleazy person than Ginrou, and a passion for making fun of him and the other village people.

She had seen this guy for two seconds and she already had a strong dislike for him.

"No, I'm sorry," Yo said, completely serious. It almost made Y/n think he was being genuine. "I shouldn't laugh at the primitive punk for being ignorant."

Before Y/n could react, he fell to the ground, covering his face with his hand, making a poor attempt at stifling his laughter again.

"But, urk, can't stop... it's too funny!! He said 'fall right off!' And so confidently too!"

Y/n watched smugly as Magma started to look angrier and angrier with every millisecond. While she didn't care about Magma either, she just wanted someone to shut Yo up so Senku could keep going. And, more importantly, so that she could get off this giant rock that felt way too much like a stage. 

Before Yo could continue berating the Ishigami villager, Magma started punching Yo, and soon enough, they were fighting. Y/n sighed as Kokuyou had to separate them, then nagged them both while Senku could finally continue. 

"Right, anyways! We'll be crossing the ocean, so-"

Senku was interrupted yet again as Yuzuriha placed what looked like pirate's hat on his head, smiling. He looked slightly surprised by the added garment, but he didn't reject it either. He grinned at Yuzuriha who laughed, slightly embarrassed at her timing.

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