Part 38 - Money is the Universal Language!

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Finally, the day had come to build the library! Or... so Y/n had thought. 

The morning she was supposed to start construction with her team, she was surprised to see that only Ukyo, Minami, Niki, and two of the Tsukasa army soldiers had shown up. She crossed her arms, sighing.

"Well, this isn't good," she looked to the small group which was supposed to help her construct a building. "Any idea where the others went?"

"Ah, there's a bit of an issue there," Ukyo sighed. "Most of them are completely determined to make more dragos."

"Yeah, Ryuusui has everyone wrapped around his privileged pinky," Niki shook her head, turning back towards the direction they had come from, which was just a short walk from the former Tsukasa empire. "Everyone's completely obsessed with earning dragos."

"Well, I can't be the only one having this problem if everyone's that wrapped up in money.." Y/n mused, then snapped her fingers. "Alright, I'll figure something out! Until then, we'll postpone the construction. Go see if there's any way you can help Senku, otherwise you have the day off!"

Quickly disbanding the meeting, Y/n hurried back to the main building in the former empire. She would've been lying if she had said she wasn't extremely disappointed.  Her beautiful library would have to wait.

Fortunately, it didn't take her long to find Senku... along with some of her missing team members. Almost immediately, she sensed she had run into a chaotic situation. Yo, along with some of the soldiers, were hurriedly carrying what looked like grass, tossing it in huge piles in front of Senku and Gen, who she could already tell were up to no good.

"Hey!! What's all this about?" She asked sweetly, joining them from behind. She was a bit  peeved that some of her volunteers had been working amongst the agitated men, but she decided she'd wait for an explanation before getting angry.

"OHh, Y/n dear~ You've come at the best time!" Gen exclaimed, grinning at her. However, this was the corrupt, snake-like grin, not an innocent one. Y/n sighed. 

"Don't tell me you've manipulated everyone into working for you..."

"So harsh~ We're simply encouraging them to lend a helping hand--" Gen began, only to be cut off by Senku, who was clearly pleased with the outcome of whatever he and Gen had done.

"Kukuku, exactly! Quick to catch on, as always!" Senku laughed, the same scummy expression that Gen had on his own face. Y/n blinked at Senku, as though she were in disbelief that she actually fell for him. She shook her head, crossing her arms.

"Well, you two crooks can revive capitalism if you want, I guess... But you've single-handedly managed to take half my workers," She pointed out, gesturing to several buff guys hurriedly throwing more grass onto the already giant pile. "What are you even doing with all of this?"

Senku grinned, his skeevy look replaced with the excited one he always had when talking about his sciencey plans. Gen glanced at Senku, then smiled at Y/n, going back to "encourage" the workers more. 

"I'm glad you asked. What we're gathering is flax, which I'm sure you can already guess is gonna be made into fabric. I haven't told the others yet, but we're going to be making hot air balloons to look for the oil fields," Senku explained ecstatically, which Y/n had to force herself not to get distracted by his grin, instead focusing on his words. "And we've managed to get free labor by giving them the facts: if we don't get oil, the money everyone has been obsessed with will be absolutely useless!"

"Geez, and just when I thought you and Gen couldn't get any more twisted..." Y/n exhaled with amusement, shaking her head. "Well, that doesn't solve my issue. As cool as hot air balloons sound, you already have plenty of hands helping you, and I need my workers back."

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