Part 33 - The Ending and The Beginning

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Y/n looked up to see Tsukasa standing in front of her and Mirai, Hyoga's spear gone clean through his chest. Y/n felt the panic quickly rise as she jumped out of the way, the sight before her eyes traumatizing her. 

Hyoga pushed the large man off the cliff they were standing by, but Y/n was frozen. She couldn't even think of how she had been right, or that she should be fighting back, or even trying to catch Tsukasa. All she could do was sit there, eyes wide, as she watched Tsukasa's body




A hand grabbed onto Tsukasa's limp one, and all of the sudden, Y/n snapped out of her shock. Senku had managed to catch Tsukasa, struggling to hold onto him. As Y/n struggled to get up to help him, Hyoga hit Senku square in the back, making him lose his balance.

And they fell down, down into the water.

Y/n screamed, and started running towards Hyoga, knife drawn.

"YOU BASTARD!! YOU PIECE OF HORSE SHIT! I'LL KILL YOU!" She screamed as she propelled herself towards him, only to be shoved down, looked down on by Hyoga with disgust. 

"You really are quite unsightly."

And with that, he ran off, followed by Kohaku and Chrome, but it was no use. He jumped off the cliff, landing in the water with a splash. Y/n pathetically sat on the ground, stunned. Were they.. Were they all dead? Could they have possibly survived that drop? Had she just lost her best friend, as well as the man she wanted to murder?

She felt empty.

Kohaku, Ukyo, and Chrome finally caught up, staying shocked for just a moment before bombarding Y/n with questions.

"Are you okay?!"

"What just happened?!?"

"Do you know where Hyoga went?!"

Kohaku and Chrome kept asking relentlessly before Ukyo stopped them.

"Guys! Be quiet for a moment, will you?! Go find out who caused the explosion!" He gave them both irritated looks as he sat by Y/n, giving her a pat on the back. He was gentle and calm, like a soft breeze on a nice summer afternoon. "Hey... Y/n. You know when you told me how I had been brave for staying silent so long? Well, I think you're very brave too. You did everything you could in that moment. So, no matter what happens, it's not because of you."

"I..." Y/n felt her lip tremble, her emotions coming back as if it were a tornado, swooping her up in her feelings. No, she couldn't. Not right now. If there was any chance any of them were alive, she needed to find them. She took a deep breath. Be logical. What would Senku do?

"Y/n," Ukyo looked her in the eyes, noting her newfound determined expression. "You can't go off and be the hero right now, even if you want to. If you're trying to be rational, going off and dying from overexertion won't help anyone. The most rational thing you can do is stay here and help us figure out a plan. Hyoga wouldn't have done that unless he was sure the three of them would survive. They have to be alive, right?"

Y/n nodded. She felt useless again, which only made her want to cry more. Not yet. She still had to help. She was still useful, even if she couldn't fight. She pressed at the bone right under her eyes, a pressure point to calm down, then took a deep breath to clear her head.

"Right. For now, the best thing to do would be to find who blew up the cave. I'm almost certain Homura found her way out somehow, since she works closely with Hyoga. If by some chance Senku is unharmed and Tsukasa is alive, they might be able to take Hyoga. Even if it's just Senku, he'll find some way to stall. However, it'll be the end for them if Homura finds them too. Disarming Homura needs to be your top priority. 

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