31- Lost Hope

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All at once, the entire Kingdom of Science burst into cheers. Well, mainly Taiju, Chrome, and Y/n. The three huddled together in a big group hug, screaming at the top of their lungs. Meanwhile, the rest of the group focused on tying up and disarming the strong soldiers, whose spirits had been crushed at losing the battle. Once the loud trio calmed down, Taiju ran over to get the miracle water, still not having run out of energy.

"It's been so long...!! A whole year that we've been fighting, that the four of us split up!! And now, we've got it back!! The miracle water!!"

"What was it again..? Made from bat droppings, nitric acid, right?!" Chrome looked at the jar, excited. "With this, we can make as much revival formula and gunpowder as we want...!!"

Y/n grinned and turned around to join Senku, using her spear for support. While her body was telling her to lie down and pass out, she was just too excited. She watched as Senku rummaged around in the wrecked tank.

"Senku, what are you doing?! C'mon, celebrate a little! We won!" Y/n exclaimed, wanting to share her excitement with him.

"Yeah!! C'mon Senku!!" Taiju yelled. Senku oaused for a moment to look at the three of them, grinning.

"While I'd love to join the victory party, we don't have time to mess around. We need to make gunpowder right away!"

"Shit, that's right! We've gotta get ready before Tsukasa notices."

"Well, at the rate you three were screaming, he probably already has," Senku chuckled as he pulled out a giant jar of sulfur and charcoal, along with a small box, which he handed to Y/n. "A first aid kit. Everything's labeled, now go patch yourself up while we finish making gunpowder."

"Hmm, fine," Y/n took the box and headed inside the tank for her own privacy.

"Tadah! We just mix in a little nitric acid with this, and it's complete! An impromptu gunpowder making kit!!" She heard Senku announce as she proceeded to figure out how the hell she was supposed to "patch herself up." Fortunately, everything was labeled, and after a few tries at wrapping herself up with bandages, she managed. It hurt more, but it was better than nothing. Y/n bit her lip to ignore the sharp pain in each step as she was about to head back outside.

Then she heard Ukyo scream, but not out of joy or glee. It was a cry of panic and danger, sending cold shivers down her spine.


Y/n peaked outside to see Ukyo fall against Senku, making him drop the jar. Quick as a flash, Y/n was shoved aside to be joined by Gen inside the tank, who definitely wasn't taking any risks. Y/n started to panic. There was blood everywhere. Who was dead, and who was unharmed? In the mess of the battlefield, it was hard to tell. One thing, however, was certain.

Tsukasa had arrived.

Y/n's heart leaped when she saw Senku move, looking up to see what was happening. At least he was alright. He'd figure something out, surely. No, how could Y/n think like that?! She was just waiting for him to solve her problems. Grabbing her spear, she weakly climbed out of the tank and made her way over to Kohaku, Kinrou, and Magma. Kohaku glanced at her, but didn't say anything, which Y/n was grateful for.

She knew it would be hopeless. In just a single moment, the Kingdom of Science's hopes of victory vanished completely as they witnessed the two monsters in front of them.

Tsukasa and Hyoga, in all their powerful glory, towered over the entire Kingdom, an army of brutish, strong men behind them. Y/n tried not to flinch. She was injured, intimidated, and terrified. She felt like a kitten facing two giant lions and their pack. But even so, she had to protect her kingdom, no matter what. She had to protect Senku. 

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