Part 8 - Civilization

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"You!! You're that gentleman sorcerer that protected that woman! You survived!" The girl said, looking at Senku's with wide eyes. She turned to Y/n. "You! You were the one who caught him. I assume you saved him?"

"Alright, enough with your pointless yapping! Can you hold out until night?"


"If you're already at your limit, I can use the little gunpowder I have left and try to blow this thing off of you. But if you can hold out, it'll take enough time to make you wanna die, but I'll ten billion percent save you!" Senku looked somewhat stressed out. His reaction had Y/n slightly take aback. "You're the only one who can answer this, now decide! Which is it?!"

The girl noticed his urgency and nodded. "Yes, my bones and organs are fine. I can hold out!"

"Good. Y/n! Get me those logs over there!" He said, tossing a hatchet to Y/n, who started to chop apart some trees. He gave her instructions on what to do while he worked on other parts of whatever he was making. It didn't take Y/n long to realize they were making a pulley...! Two of them, to be exact. The girl watched as they worked in wonder, completely new to all of it.

After lathering it with soap, Senku began to climb a tree nearby, stringing the pulley over a branch. He held his hand out to Y/n. 

"Grab on, I need your weight!"

Y/n nodded and took his hand, letting him help pull her up with him. She put her arms around his neck as he hopped off the tree, still holding onto the rope. They were let down gently as the tree laying on the girl was lifted up. She stared in awe at Y/n and Senku.

"It's incredible... you made this, using your unwavering faith...!" She smiled at Senku once the tree was off of her. "My name is Kohaku. I think I've ended up realllyyyy liking you."

Senku froze, disgust on his face. Y/n felt almost as if she had been hit in the stomach. She felt strangely upset by that. Why...?

"Are you serious? Falling in love in this kind of situation?" Senku said, sighing. Kohaku stood up, now tense.

"That's not what I meant at all! I was only saying that I find you interesting as a human and I want us to work together!"

"Oh, good. A brain in love is the most illogical variety of trouble."

Y/n was somewhat relieved, but a little insulted by Senku's words, as though he were writing off her emotions all over again. She shook her head. She shouldn't be hurt by that, it was stupid. She forced her emotions down and capped them with a bottle. That way, it wouldn't affect their work, and Y/n wouldn't become too emotional.

Night fell once again, and Y/n could feel how tense Kohaku was because of what Senku said. After having set up camp again, Y/n put herself between the two, just in case. Kohaku slept in a sitting position, knives up in a guarding stance, not moving.

"Is sleeping with knives a new human thing, or just you?" Senku asked Kohaku, looking slightly irritated.

"Senku!" Y/n hissed. Kohaku didn't move.

"It's only because you brought up romance!"

"Tch. If a lioness like you attacked me, I wouldn't stand a chanc—"

"Ahem! What he means to say is, he isn't a threat. Please, forgive his sharp tongue," Y/n said, hoping to diffuse the situation. Kohaku seemed nice, but Y/n didn't want to take the chance if she decided to attack them, as Y/n's fighting skills were mediocre, and Senku had none to begin with. "We really don't mean any harm."

"Hmm, you seem like you're trustworthy. I still don't trust him, though."

"That's fair," Y/n chuckled nervously. "You'll get used to him though."

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